Road Extraction from Aerial Images

Delio Vicini, Matej Hamas, Taivo Pungas (Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

The code in this repository trains a convolutional neural network and adds a post-processing layer, for the task of detecting roads in satellite images. See project report here.


  • Python
  • scipy
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • tensorflow
  • matplotlib
  • Pillow
  • skimage


  • Copy the data so the data/ folder contains the following:
  |-- downsampled/
  |-- test_1.png
  |-- test_2.png
  |-- ...
  |-- test_50.png
  |-- groundtruth/
  |   |-- downsampled/
  |   |-- satImage001.png
  |   |-- satImage002.png
  |   |-- ...
  |   |-- satImage100.png
  |-- images/
      |-- downsampled/
      |-- satImage001.png
      |-- satImage002.png
      |-- ...
      |-- satImage100.png
  • Run sh while in the project root folder to set up the necessary file structures (assumes a Bash shell).


Warning: running the code as-is requires around 100GB of memory.

  • Run python while in the src folder to train the CNN, apply post-processing and generate predictions.
  • All results will be in the results folder, under CNN_Output/, postprocessing_output/ and in submission.csv.

Running the baseline

  • Run python baseline/ while in the src folder.
  • All results will be in the results folder, under CNN_Output_Baseline/ and in baseline_submission.csv.

The project has been tested with and is guaranteed to run on Python 3.5.0.