
Primary LanguagePHP

##Racing: Horses & Betters

#Laravel project Only logged in users can view the tables. Add new horse, edit it and delete it. Add new better, edit it and delete it.

#How to start the project: Open command line and go to the webroot where you will launch this repository. Clone git code where you can launch php web app. In command line run composer install. Run npm install. Generate an app encryption key php artisan key:generate. Create an empty database in your preffered database (eg. "Mysql workbench). Copy the .env.example file in the directory and rename it to .env. In the .env file fill in the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD options to match the credentials of the database you just created. Execute php artisan migrate. Run php artisan serve. Open in the browser to check out the project

#Author Jolita