
Various scripts to support deeplabcut...

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DeepLabCut-Utils DLC Utils

This repository contains various scripts as well as links to other packages related to DeepLabCut. Feel free to contribute your own analysis methods, and perhaps some short notebook of how to use it. Thanks!

Example scripts for automation of analysis & training

These two scripts illustrate how to train, test, and analyze videos for multiple projects automatically (scale_raining_and_evaluation.py) and how to analyze videos that are organized in subfolders automatically (scale_analysis_oversubfolders.py). Feel free to adjust them for your needs!

https://github.com/DeepLabCut/DLCutils/tree/master/SCALE_YOUR_ANALYSIS/scale_analysis_oversubfolders.py https://github.com/DeepLabCut/DLCutils/blob/master/SCALE_YOUR_ANALYSIS/scale_training_and_evaluation.py

Contributed by Alexander Mathis

Time spent of a body part in a particular region of interest (ROI)

You can compute time spent in particular ROIs in frames. This demo Jupyer Notebook shows you how to load the outputs of DLC and perform the analysis (plus other plotting functions):



Contributed by Federico Claudi and Jupyter Notebok from Alexander Mathis

Behavior clustering with MotionMapper


Contributed by Mackenzie Mathis

Behavior Analysis with R (ETH-DLCAnalyzer)

Deep learning based behavioral analysis enables high precision rodent tracking and is capable of outperforming commercial solutions. Oliver Sturman, Lukas von Ziegler, Christa Schläppi, Furkan Akyol, Benjamin Grewe, Johannes Bohacek

paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.21.913624v1

code: https://github.com/ETHZ-INS/DLCAnalyzer

Behavior clustering with B-SOiD

B-SOiD: An Open Source Unsupervised Algorithm for Discovery of Spontaneous Behaviors <-- use the outputs of DLC to feed directly into B-SOiD (in MATLAB).

paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/770271v1.abstract

code: https://github.com/YttriLab/B-SOiD

Using DeepLabCut for USB-CGPIO feedback

paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/28/482349

code: https://github.com/bf777/DeepCutRealTime

maintainer: Brandon Forys

A wrapper package for DeepLabCut2.0 for 3D videos (anipose)

code: https://github.com/lambdaloop/anipose

maintainer: Pierre Karashchuk

Pupil Tracking

LEGACY utility functions (no longer required in DLC 2+):

DLC1 to DLC 2 conversion code

This code allows you to import the labeled data from DLC 1 to DLC 2 projects. Note, it is not streamlined and should be used with care.


Contributed by Alexander Mathis

Running project created on Windows on Colaboratory

#UPDATE: as of Deeplabcut 2.0.4 onwards you no longer need to use this code! You can simply create the training set on the cloud and it will automatically convert your project for you.

Usage: change in lines 70 and 71 of https://github.com/DeepLabCut/DLCutils/tree/master/conversion_scripts_LEGACY/convertWin2Unix.py

basepath='/content/drive/My Drive/DeepLabCut/examples/'


then run this script on colaboratory after uploading your labeled data to the drive. Thereby it will be converted to unix format, then create a training set (with deeplabcut) and proceed as usual...

Contributed by Alexander Mathis

Please direct inquires to the contributors/code-maintainers of that code. Note that the software(s) are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied.