
Selected favorite nginx modules and resources


Selected favorite nginx modules and resources.

Thanks for awesome-resty.



Nginx modules

Resty(C) modules

Resty(lua) modules


Encode & Decode

  • lua-cjson - Lua cJSON is a fast JSON encoding / parsing module for Lua
  • lua-cmsgpack - Lua cmsgpack is a fast msgpack encoding / parsing module for Lua
  • lua-protobuf - A Lua module to work with Google protobuf
  • lua-resty-json - Json lib for lua and C
  • lua-resty-msgpack - Lua messagepack for ngx_lua/stream_lua/OpenResty
  • lua-resty-snappy - LuaJIT FFI bindings for Snappy, a fast compressor/decompressor


  • lua-resty-redis - Lua Redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
  • lua-resty-ssdb - Lua ssdb client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
  • lua-resty-mysql - Lua MySQL client driver for ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
  • lua-resty-qless - Lua binding to Qless (Queue / Pipeline management) for OpenResty / Redis





  • opm - Official package management system for OpenResty
  • resty-cli - Fancy command-line utilities for OpenResty


Known Projects

  • upyun-resty - UPYUN's open source software for OpenResty development
  • apisix - A cloud-native microservices API gateway
  • iresty - iresty and other useful tools
  • Kong - API Gateway & Microservice Management
  • Lapis - A web framework for Lua or MoonScript powered by OpenResty
  • lor - a fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty(中文)
  • Orange - A Gateway based on OpenResty(Nginx+lua) for API Monitoring and Management.
  • verynginx - A very powerful and friendly nginx which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards


  • 2016 - OpenResty Con 2016
  • 2017 - OpenResty Con 2017
  • 2018 - OpenResty Con 2018

My Own Projects