=== Woocommerce Indulge Mall Coupons === Contributors: kingsunwukong Requires at least: 4.0.0 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Requires PHP: 5.5.9 License: GPL2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Integrate Indulge Mall Coupons with Woocommerce == Description == Admin may use custom product type \"indulge_coupon\" to create products tagged for fetching Indulge Mall Coupons on status \'completed\'. #Plugin setup Enter settings under `Woocommerce` -> `Indulge API Settings` * Staging settings, live settings, and live enabled #Coupon Creation Create a new Indulge Mall Coupon product by: 1. Select `Product data --` -> `Product Type` -> \"Indulge Coupon\" 2. Select `Indulge Mall` tab, and 3. Fill `Indulge SKU` field with SKU supplied by Indulge Mall 4. Select `General tab,` and 5. Fill `Regular price ($)` with required pricing #Process * Customer completes purchase * Plugin fetches coupon code and associates it with order item * Customer can view order (+coupon) in `My Account` -> `Orders` -> order## * Email (+coupon) sent to customer on payment complete * Admin note added to order - On success: Success message! - On failure: Error! #Testing ## A new installation ### A. 1. Enter staging credentials 2. Create test coupon 3. Run an order with \"Check Payment\" 4. Admin marks order \"complete\" 5. Check Woocommerce order for error notes ### B. * Same process above except with `live` credentials and `live enabled` == Installation == * Activate plugin * Fill in `Woocommerce` -> `Indulge API Settings` (live disabled) * Create a product of type `Indulge Coupon` and fill `Indulge Mall` -> `Indulge SKU` * Test on staging * Enable live * Test on live