

It is the pytorch re-implementation of ICLR2017 paper Decomposing Motion and Content for Natural Video Sequence Prediction by Ruben Villegas, Jimei Yang, Seunghoon Hong, Xunyu Lin and Honglak Lee.

Follow the following instruction to use it.

Install dependences

The code is in Python 2 and you need pip and homebrew to install dependences if you use Mac Os. Otherwise, you need pip and make sure you have opencv installed if you are using Linux.

Suggest to use virtualenv and install all the dependences in this virtual environment to avoid the confliction with your original environment. For Mac Os, all dependencies and opencv can be installed by the following commands.

brew install opencv3
pip install -r requirements.txt

Train and Test

After installation of all dependencies, we can train a model by executing and assigning arguments.

For example, we train and test model on the KTH dataset as follows by the following command

python --nepoch=603 --nepoch_decay=0 --data=KTH --gpu_id=0 --c_dim=1 --dataroot=./data/KTH --K=10 --T=10 --name=kth_10_10 --textroot=videolist --batch_size=8 --image_size 128
python --name=kth_10_10 --data=KTH --gpu_ids=0 --c_dim=1 --K=10 --T=20 --dataroot=./data/KTH --textroot=videolist --image_size 128

The code allows us to train and test it on KTH and UCF101 datasets. If you want to try your own dataset, you will need to write a dataloader class under the data directory and add it to data methods.

All the arguments can be found under the option directory and make sure you set them as you wish.

Visualization and Results


During the training, losses and validation results can be visualized with tensorboard.

# tensorboard --logdir=tb/<experiment-name>
tensorboard --logdir=tb/ktn_10_10

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Quantitative results: PSNR & SSIM

Qualitative results