
java lisp inter

Primary LanguageJava


use java impl lisp (scheme) interpreter

Implemented functions

  • atom: numbers booleans symbols , strings
  • Four arithmetic
  • load
  • lambda
  • quote
  • display
  • newline
  • begin
  • define
  • define-macro
  • let
  • set!
  • apply
  • if
  • cond
  • boolean: and or not < <= = != > >=
  • cons list car cdr ...
  • symbol? eqv? gensym


  • lambda-lep => lambda-lazy-eval-params



System.out.println(eval("(+ 1 1)"));
=> 2
System.out.println(eval("(+ 1 2 (+ 3 4))"));
=> 10
System.out.println(eval("((define a (list 1 2 3 4 5)) a)"));       
=> (1 2 3 4 5)


System.out.println(eval("(load 'alias.lisp' 'test.lisp')")); 
  • alias.lisp
    (define λ lambda)
    (define ` quote)
  • test.lisp
    (define cons (lambda (x y) (lambda(g)(g x y))))
    (define car (lambda (f) (f (lambda(x y)(x)))))
    (define cdr (lambda (f) (f (lambda(x y)(y)))))


  • fluid-let.lisp
    (define map (lambda (g x . y)
            (g (car x) (car y))
            (if (null? (cdr x))
                (quote ())
                (map g (cdr x) (if (null? y) (quote ()) (cdr y)))))))
    (define x 3)
    (define y 5)
    (define d 5)
    (define-macro fluid-let
      (lambda (xexe . body)
        (let ((xx (map car xexe))
              (ee (map (lambda (x) (car (cdr x))) xexe))
              (old-xx (map (lambda (ig) (gensym)) xexe))
              (result (gensym)))
          (`(let ,(map (lambda (old-x x) (`(, old-x , x)))
                      old-xx xx)
             ,@ (map (lambda (x e)
                      (`(set! , x , e)))
                    xx ee)
             (let ((, result (begin ,@ body)))
               ,@(map (lambda (x old-x)
                        (`(set! , x , old-x)))
                      xx old-xx)
               , result))))))
    (fluid-let ((x 9) (y (+ y 1)) (d 8))
      (+ x y))
  • when.lisp
    (define-macro when
      (lambda (test . branch)
        (` (IF , test
             (BEGIN , branch)))))
  • when2.lisp
    (define-macro when2
      (lambda (test . branch)
        (list (` if) test
             (cons (` begin) branch))))
  • when3.lisp
    (lambda (test . branch)
        (list (` if) test
            (cons (` begin) branch)))
    (` #t)  (` (+ 1 2))
=> (if #t (begin (+ 1 2)))
(apply (if #t (begin (+ 1 2))))
=> 3
        (lambda (test . branch)
            (list (` if) test
                (cons (` begin) branch)))
         (` #t)  (` (+ 1 2)))
=> 3
  • when4.lisp
    (lambda (test . branch)
        (list (` if) test
            (cons (` begin) branch)))
    (` (#t  (+ 1 2))))
=> (if #t (begin (+ 1 2)))


  • when5: lambda-lep
    (define when5
      (lambda-lep (test . branch)
        (apply (` (IF , test
             (BEGIN , branch))))))
(when5 (< 1 2) (display 1))
=> 1



public class JLispInterpreter3 {

    private static final Predicate<Object> IS_EXP = o -> o instanceof Cons;

    private static final Predicate<Object> IS_SYMBOLS = o -> o instanceof Symbols;

    private static final Predicate<Object> IS_FUN = o -> o instanceof Function;

    private static final Predicate<Object> IS_ATOM = o -> o instanceof Atom;

    private static final BiPredicate<Cons, Object> CAN_APPLY = (exp, v) -> IS_FUN.test(v) && !exp.isSubExp();
    public static Object eval(String exp) {
        Env root = Env.newInstance(null);
        return eval(exp, Env.newInstance(root));

    private static Object eval(String exp, Env env) {
        return eval(Parse.parse(exp), env);

    private static Object eval(Cons exp, Env env) {
        Object v = IS_EXP.test(exp.car()) ? eval(exp.carCons(), env) : (IS_SYMBOLS.test(exp.car()) ? env.env(exp.carSymbols()).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException(exp.parent() + ": " + exp.carSymbols() + " not define")) : exp.car());
        return CAN_APPLY.test(exp, v) ? apply(v, exp.cdr(), env) : (exp.cdr().isEmpty() ? v : eval(exp.cdr(), env));

    private static Object eval(Object o, Cons exp, Env env) {
        return IS_EXP.test(o) ? eval((Cons) o, env) : (IS_SYMBOLS.test(o) ? eval(ConsMarker.markSubExp(exp, o), env) : o);

    private static Object apply(Object v, Cons cdr, Env env, Object... args) {
        return ((Function<ApplyArgs, Object>) v).apply(ApplyArgs.of(cdr, env, () -> cdr.data().stream().map(o -> eval(o, cdr, env)).toArray(), args.length > 0 ? args : null));

    @AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
    public static class ApplyArgs extends EvalAndApplyProxy {
        final Cons exp;
        final Env env;
        final Supplier<Object[]> lazyArgs;
        Object[] args;

        public Object[] args() {
            if (Objects.isNull(args)) {
                args = lazyArgs.get();
            return args;

        public Cons argsCons() {
            return ConsMarker.markList(args());

why 3?

  • Third coded
  • Three begets all things

How to expand functions ?

  • simple reg + - * /
static class FunManager {
    private static final Map<String, Function<ApplyArgs, Object>> FUNCTIONAL = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    static {
        reg("+", applyArgs -> toIntStream(applyArgs.getLazyArgs()).reduce(Integer::sum).orElse(null));
        reg("-", applyArgs -> toIntStream(applyArgs.getLazyArgs()).reduce((a, b) -> a - b).orElse(null));
        reg("*", applyArgs -> toIntStream(applyArgs.getLazyArgs()).reduce((a, b) -> a * b).orElse(null));
        reg("/", applyArgs -> toIntStream(applyArgs.getLazyArgs()).reduce((a, b) -> a / b).orElse(null));
    private static Stream<Integer> toIntStream(Supplier<Object[]> supplierObjs) {
        return Stream.of(supplierObjs.get()).map(Object::toString).map(Integer::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList()).stream();