
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Concepts that are /Global/


### Tenants
1. Aesthetic
5. Fast
3. Simple
4. Future

Demonstration of /static/ website.

Writing (another word? lexicon, )
Data: I've watched these movies, I play these genre of games, top played songs, daily activities,
Opinion: game reviews, movie reviews, book reviews (lol). ronaldo, violin piano, snowboarding
Guestbook? giant ass form? (save user's progress via localstorage?)
Ops (website health, dashboards, etc)

less interfacing, layers of abstraction, indirection.

more /simplicity/, but /philosophy/.

reduce human error with /design/, not implementation/safety nets.

altering implementation to 'fix' human error (typos) is bullshit. name shit accurately. linters and good programmers fix human errors. not extra implementation/overcomplicated design.

an Advanced (bloated) boilerplate with XXX dependencies (compare with other top boilerplates)

built on /principles/, /philosophies/, and /concepts/ instead of \tech\.

documented to shit with reasoning behind design choices, app structure/architecutre, naming conventions, etc.

javascript-fatigue ignorant/agnostic.

each README should have a high=level, top-points design decisions with /brief/ explanations, then more long-winded stuff, then raw notes.

v = f*(d$)

			push													pull
Single		Promise: prom.then(data => ...)							function call: let data = fn()
multiple	callback/observable: source$.subscribe(data => ...)		generator/fiber: let data = generator.next().value

make a glossery, see redux.js.org glossery. or put readme definitions next to their respective folders.

convention != pattern/design? think reducers, actions...
no. convention is 'magic,' unexplained thing. pattern/design is explicit and self-defining.

monorepo, packages within this package. utils (for all utilities), styles for my /framework/ of styles.

difference/balance between bloat and what is required at the enterprise-level.

"Some assembly required" pattern.

convention for undersatnding, not for magic implementation.