Linux Terminal Launcher for WSL

This utility launches real linux terminals such as gnome-terminal, tilix or xterm through X11, providing a better terminal experience on Windows Subsystem on Linux.


  • A recent build of Windows 10 with WSL installed

  • At least one terminal emulator installed on the WSL Linux distro. For example you may install gnome-terminal on Ubuntu by sudo apt install gnome-terminal

  • Visual Studio 2015 or later. (For C++ 17 filesystem support)


  • The compiler should have C++ 17 support.
  • The subsystem option would better be set to WINDOWS (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS) to avoid a flashing window on start.
  • You may simply use the preconfigured Visual C++ project file TerminalLauncher.vcxproj



    -c disrto terminal     #Change WSL distro-launcher and terminal program

    -n cmdline             #Change launch command-line to cmdline

    -i [location]          #Install TerminalLauncher to Windows\System32

    -s                     #Show current command line
    -x [Command]           #Launch with another command