
Dear Classmates, This is the architecture for our last game, submarine.
Written by Yinqi Sun.
The Web UI is adapted from the 2018 architecture team https://github.com/jbitton/hps-submarine-architecture
If there are any questions, please feel free to send email either to ys3540@nyu.edu

There are multiple parts to this project:

  • The Web interface display the statics and game progress
  • The server/client code that plays the game

Setup Client / Server Code

  1. The server code requires Python 3 to run properly.
  2. You may then install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. cd into this project on your machine and run python3 submarine_server.py

You should see some output that looks similar to this:

*** Game Configuration ***:
        d = 36
        y = 6
        r = 6
        m = 10
        L = 4
        p = 2

Starting Trench Server on port 61409
Starting Submarine Server on port 5005

sub {'m': 10, 'L': 4, 'pos': 78}
trench {'d': 36, 'y': 6, 'r': 6, 'm': 10, 'L': 4, 'p': 2}
The trench manager's final cost is: 120. The safety condition was satisfied.
Your final cost is: 120. The safety condition was satisfied.

Including Your Client Code

Under the [Python|Cpp|Java]Clients folders you may find the framework code for the client in the respective language.

  • For the python Clients simply run the respective clients. The common methods such as socket communication are included in client_abstract_class.py.
  • For C++ clients, build with make .. You may simply add your logics in the [Submarine|Trench]Client.cpp. The helper functions are included in Context.hpp, which deals with socket communication as well as parsing the messages.
  • For java clients, build with mvn clean package and run java -jar target/original-JavaClient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [Submarine|Trench] for one of the two clients.

Modifying the Initial Game State

Simply pass the parameters to GameServerCore

controller = GameServerCore(d=45, y=10, r=50, m=3, L=10, p=3, gui=False)

Running the Web Application

Okay, so you want to see the awesome UI. It's stored under the submarine-vis folder. However, you do need to install some packages (it's written in React.js):

  1. Install Node.js: for Macs with homebrew installed, it's as easy as: brew install node. Or, you can visit the node website: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Install yarn: for Macs with homebrew installed, it's as easy as brew install yarn. Or, you can visit the yarn website: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install
  3. cd into submarine-vis
  4. Run yarn install. This will install all of the needed node dependencies
  5. Afterwards, run yarn start and the app should open up in a new tab. It's hosted on localhost:3000
  6. To have the GameServer provide an endpoint pass True to the gui optional parameter. ie. GameServer(gui=True). This will provide an endpoint on localhost:8000

TIPS: The players will not be allowed to connect until the gui has connected to the GameServer. This means you should change your run_server.py to sleep for a longer amount of time prior to connecting to the game server.

You can independently open the gui in a browser by going to the address localhost:8000... assuming you're running the react app on your computer. You could also run both of your clients independently and connect to the game server after you connect the GUI.

If you have any questions about how the game would work, please stick with the descriptions on the course website: https://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall21/CSCI-GA.2965-001/subhunt.html and if you find possible implementation differences in this architecture, please report the bugs to us and we will verify and fix them immediately.


Thank Yue Zhou (yz1268@nyu.edu) for co-hosting the game at the day of competition.