In this assignment, you will develop different algorithms to make recommendations for movies. You are free to choose any programming language that you like.
The Training Data
The training data: a set of movie ratings by 200 users (userid: 1-200) on 1000 movies (movieid: 1-1000). The data is stored in a 200 row x 1000 column table. Each row represents one user. Each column represents one movie. A rating is a value in the range of 1 to 5, where 1 is "least favored" and 5 is "most favored". Please NOTE that a value of 0 means that the user has not explicitly rated the movie. Please download the training data here: train.txt.
The Test Data
There are three test files: test5.txt, test10.txt and test20.txt. [test5.txt] A pool of movie ratings by 100 users (userid: 201-300). Each user has already rated 5 movies. The format of the data is as follows: the file contains 100 blocks of lines. Each block contains several triples : (U, M, R), which means that user U gives R points to movie M. Please note that in the test file, if R=0, then you are expected to predict the best possible rating which user U will give movie M. The following is a block for user 276. (line 6545-6555 of test5.txt) 276 42 4 // user 276 gives movie 42 4 points. 276 85 2 // user 276 gives movie 85 2 points. 276 194 5 // user 276 gives movie 194 5 points. 276 208 5 // user 276 gives movie 208 5 points. 276 585 1 // user 276 gives movie 585 1 point. 276 4 0 // need to predict user 276's rating for movie 4 276 26 0 // need to predict user 276's rating for movie 26 276 33 0 ... 276 56 0 276 63 0 276 67 0 276 72 0
ATTENTION: Please make the prediction block by block: every time when you are making predictions for user U, please assume that you ONLY know the knowledge of the training data (train.txt) and the existing 5 ratings for this user. In another words, please DO NOT use the knowledge of any other blocks in the test file when making predictions. The format of test10.txt and test20.txt is nearly the same as test5.txt, the only difference is that: in test10.txt, 10 ratings are given for a specific user; in test20.txt, 20 ratings are given for a specific user.
How to get the accuracy? To get the accuracy of your predictions, please submit the predicted ratings to our online grading system. (For more information, please check the help page of our grading system.). You can access the grading system via submit.html. Hint: You can do some cross validations to pretest the performance of your algorithm. (that is to split the training data into your own training data and your own test data...)
Your task is to design and develop collaborative filtering algorithms that predict the unknown ratings in the test data by learning users' preference from the training data.
Please complete the following experiments:
- User-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithms (40 points) 1.1 Implement the basic user-based collaborative filtering algorithms Please implement two versions of the basic user-based collaborative filtering algorithm as the Pearson Correlation method and the vector similarity method 1.2 Extensions to the basic user-based collaborative filtering algorithms Please implement the following two modifications to the standard algorithm (using Pearson Correlation): 1. Inverse user frequency; 2. Case modification.
- Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithm (30 points) Please implement the item-based collaborative filtering algorithm based on adjusted cosine similarity.
- Implement your algorithm (15 points) You can implement other memory-based based algorithms. You can also try model-based methods.
Some references can be found: Pennock, D. M., Horvitz, E., Lawrence, S., & Giles, C. L. (2000). Collaborative Filtering by Personality Diagnosis: A Hybrid Memory- and Model-Based Approach. In the Proceeding of the Sixteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. (pdf)
Hofmann, T., & Puzicha, J. (1999). Latent Class Models for Collaborative Filtering. In the Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (pdf)
The grading will be based on the novelty and performance of the algorithm.
- Results Discussion (15 points)
Please provide the following information
Compare the accuracy of the various algorithms. Do you think your results are reasonable? How can you justify the results by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms?
Discuss the efficiency of the algorithms.
A maximum of 20 bonus points will be assigned based to the performance of your recommendation system (see the chart below). 1: 20 2-3: 18 4-5: 16 6-7: 12 7-10: 10 11-13: 8 14-15: 6 16-20: 4 21-25: 2 Rest: 0
What to turn in
- Please write a report of your experiments.
- Please send your report with the code to [].