A note for quick reference
Yu Sun
# Read a tiff image included in the EBImage package
# [,,1] means the first layer of the tiff, not the color channel
img = readImage(system.file('images', 'nuclei.tif', package='EBImage'))[,,1]
# Show in R
# Display image in a browser
display(img, title="Cell nucleus")
# Show image information
# Get information of the image
# RGb/Grayscale
colorMode(img) # RGB / grayscale
storage.mode(img) # Integer / float
dim(img) # Dimension
# Adjust pixels values as an array
img2 = img + 0.1 # Add brightness
img3 = img^2 # Increase contrast
img4 = img[1:10,] # Crop
img5 = rotate(img,45) # Rotate
img6 = translate(img, c(50,50)) # Translate
# Filters
# filter2(): Fast 2D FFT convolution
# Create the kernel
# 'shape' can be box (default), disc, diamond, Gaussian or line
# 'step' specifies whether the kernel is binary
f = makeBrush(21, shape='disc', step=FALSE)
# Normalise the kernel
f = f/sum(f)
# Apply the filter
img_filtered = filter2(img, f)
To calculate the Haralick's textural features of an image img
in EBImage, we need to specify another mask to indicate which pixels are considered as a block. The mask should have the same size as img
. An example of a legal mask is as follows.
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
In this case, 1) voxels with non-zeros will be considered for feature calculation and 2) the voxels with the same number will be regarded as a block. Haralick's features will be calculated on each block. Thus in this case, 4 sets of Haralick's features will be calculated.
Following the previous example, to calculate the Haralick's features for each cell, we can first create an mask which delineate the cells, then label the mask with a sequential integers and calculate the Haralick's features.
# Create the mask by thresholding the img
# thresh(x, w=5, h=5, offset=0.01)
# x: An Image object or an array.
# w, h: Width and height of the moving rectangular window.
# offset: Thresholding offset from the averaged value.
mask = thresh(img, 10, 10, 0.05)
# Slightly manipulate the mask mophologically
mask = opening(mask, makeBrush(5, shape='disc'))
# Label the mask (this is an important step)
mask = bwlabel(mask)
# Calculate the Haralick's features
hf = computeFeatures.haralick(mask, img)
# Calculating and visualising correlations
library(gplots) # for heatmap.2()
library(RColorBrewer) # for brewer.pal() to create color palettes
# Calculating the correlation matrix
correlationMatrix = cor(hf)
# Plot the heatmap without dendrogram
main="Texture Features",
# Plot the heatmap with dendrogram
main="Haralick Texture Features",
For some reason, a subtle change in the pixels values will cause a dramatic change in some Haralick featrues. Codes have been checked but no error has been found so far.
> calTileFeat(normalize(y[109:119, 42:52], ft=c(0,35)))
h.asm.s1 h.con.s1 h.cor.s1 h.var.s1 h.idm.s1 h.sav.s1 h.sva.s1 h.sen.s1 h.ent.s1
[1,] 0.9187847 36.18889 0.1050504 21.2184 0.959764 62.64444 3957.573 0.09136094 0.1039039
h.dva.s1 h.den.s1 h.f12.s1 h.f13.s1 h.asm.s2 h.con.s2 h.cor.s2 h.var.s2 h.idm.s2
[1,] 17.50278 0.05808752 0.03846034 0.06376709 0.815 90 -0.05263158 43.75 0.900111
h.sav.s2 h.sva.s2 h.sen.s2 h.ent.s2 h.dva.s2 h.den.s2 h.f12.s2 h.f13.s2
[1,] 61 3784.796 0.1411817 0.1712847 90 0.1411817 0.01326243 0.04779335
> calTileFeat(normalize(y[109:119, 42:52], ft=c(0,34)))
h.asm.s1 h.con.s1 h.cor.s1 h.var.s1 h.idm.s1 h.sav.s1 h.sva.s1 h.sen.s1 h.ent.s1
[1,] 0.9191667 37.37222 0.1051136 21.88099 0.9611515 62.62222 3957.725 0.07965422 0.09136094
h.dva.s1 h.den.s1 h.f12.s1 h.f13.s1 h.asm.s2 h.con.s2 h.cor.s2 h.var.s2 h.idm.s2
[1,] 0 0.01655649 0.02595172 0.04898224 0.815 96.1 -0.05263158 46.6475 0.900104
h.sav.s2 h.sva.s2 h.sen.s2 h.ent.s2 h.dva.s2 h.den.s2 h.f12.s2 h.f13.s2
[1,] 60.9 3778.124 0.1411817 0.1712847 0 0.04118174 0.01326243 0.04779335
> calTileFeat(normalize(y[90:100, 42:52], ft=c(0,100)))[,'h.var.s1']
> calTileFeat(normalize(y[89:99, 42:52], ft=c(0,100)))[,'h.var.s1']
> calTileFeat(normalize(y[88:98, 42:52], ft=c(0,100)))[,'h.var.s1']
> calTileFeat(normalize(y[87:97, 42:52], ft=c(0,100)))[,'h.var.s1']
- Haralick's features: http://earlglynn.github.io/RNotes/package/EBImage/Features-Haralick.html
- Compute features: http://rpackages.ianhowson.com/bioc/EBImage/man/computeFeatures.html