
A step-by-step 10-day Python3 tutorial designed for bioinformatician

Primary LanguagePython


A step-by-step 10-day Python3 tutorial especially for bioinformatician



  • Read input using ‘sys', and make the python script executable.


  • Solve the missing/extra input problem using if/else statement. Use internal function len(), print()


  • Read a file, print, and write the first three columns of the first line to another new file.


  • Loop through a FASTA file containing CDS regions. Translate them into protein sequences using dictionary.


  • Loop through a FASTQ file containing sequenced reads. Find the adapter and put them into the first line of the FASTQ, and use yield to be memory efficient.


  • Convert bed format containing RNA sequences to a FASTA format, saving the bed information in the FASTA header. Use join and self-defined function.


  • Loop through a FASTA file converted from bed file in Day 6, split using separator and count sequences based on the gnomonic 5´-end position (rather than the sequence itself), and report 5´-end positions and occurrence from dictionary


  • Import ATACseq peaks and store chromosome and length information using Tuple, then count unique chr appeared using Set, and get a distribution of peak lengths using 2D List (Matrix), finally format the Matirx into a Pandas DataFrame


  • Import Genbank sequence record and process using Biopython package. Get familiar with Seq, SeqRecord, SeqFeature, OrderedDict objects and I/O methods


  • Implement Python class and other packages: argparse, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib to build a small software that can take gene expression values as input, calculate fold changes and plot figures