
Bot for ski track maintenance updates

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Bot for ski track maintenance updates


A personal project for hacking around. Updates can be found in Twitter @latubot and @latubot_syote.

Currently supports updates from kunto fluentprogress web pages.


Updates into twitter can be enabled by setting environment variables. For example, for oulu env var must be named LATUBOT_KEYS_SKITRACK_OULU to tweet updates for ski tracks. The value of the env var must contain the following keys for the twitter account separated by whitespaces:

  • consumer key
  • consumer secret
  • access key
  • access secret

All cities with kunto service are listed in latubot/source/kunto.py:ALL_AREAS.


All the functions can be deployed with make deploy.

Setup in google cloud

Functions are deployed as google cloud functions with HTTP trigger. Functions to load updates and send notifications are triggered by google cloud scheduler jobs. The updates are stored in a google cloud firestore database.