- 0
How to internationalize the text in the package?
#132 opened by AllinProgram - 0
onSuccess on SupaSocialsAuth runs twice
#128 opened by andyngdz - 1
Redesign of auth listener handling
#104 opened by domhel - 0
Remove border outline from BooleanMetaDataField
#124 opened by bcorman - 0
MetaDataField needs autoValidation to match email/password field functionality
#123 opened by bcorman - 0
Allow passing a value to BooleanMetaDataField
#119 opened by bcorman - 0
Allow custom password validation in SupaEmailAuth
#118 opened by bcorman - 4
Using MetadataField for boolean values
#96 opened by bcorman - 0
Metadata Fields in SupaEmailAuth Widget Losing Values
#113 opened by bcorman - 3
- 1
Add authScreenLaunchMode
#84 opened by r-paxst - 5
If signed in with Google provider, signOut does not sign out of the provider
#78 opened by stevebread - 4
- 0
- 6
Add anonymous sign in support
#91 opened by FatumaA - 2
Implement authAction on SupaEmailAuth
#95 opened by cledoux95 - 2
FR: Override social provider names in SupaSocialsAuth ("Azure" --> "Microsoft (Azure)" for example)
#87 opened by henry2man - 1
WASM build support
#92 opened by geoextra - 3
AuthRetryableFetchException (AuthException(message: AuthRetryableFetchError, statusCode: null))
#86 opened by Justincyz - 0
Incomplete "Forgot your password" feature
#88 opened by henry2man - 2
Instant sign in when password reset
#36 opened by vreithinger - 2
Localization support
#48 opened by alejandrogiubel - 3
How to implement persistent email / password field between signup/signin/magiclink/resetpassword
#32 opened by cgestes - 0
- 1
- 0
Update Phone Auth Flow
#51 opened by FatumaA - 5
`onSuccess` not called in `SupaSocialsAuth`
#70 opened by dannypurcell - 1
- 3
Dependency version solving failed
#68 opened by AlphaByte-RedTeam - 0
How to use Native Apple login on iOS
#49 opened by Csierram96 - 0
Redirect url and browser window
#52 opened by andim27 - 1
Better example of deep link
#53 opened by dhurbhat - 1
password confirmation and error messages
#47 opened by rezmeplxrf - 4
Add docs for this under auth helpers?
#16 opened by FatumaA - 0
- 4
Can't get session and user after success call supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth(Provider.******)
#45 opened by r-serega - 0
persist session - add remember me check
#15 opened by FatumaA - 0
Support for linux
#50 opened by piotruela - 0
Google auth button: google image has white background, and looks bad if the theme color for the button is not white
#40 opened by Csierram96 - 0
Apple auth button text is not visible
#41 opened by Csierram96 - 0
- 2
- 1
- 14
Resume on App Startup
#20 opened by HankG - 3
- 0
Support phone auth
#12 opened by dshukertjr - 1
Additions to Improve Library..
#17 opened by JulianSwales