
Please add: VerifyOTP(string email, string token, EmailOtpType type = EmailOtpType.Signup)

BasBBakker opened this issue · 7 comments

This is a great library! Thanks!

I had one request:
Currently you have implemented
Task<TSession?> VerifyOTP(string email, string token, EmailOtpType type = EmailOtpType.MagicLink);

Can you also add:
Task<TSession?> VerifyOTP(string email, string token, EmailOtpType type = EmailOtpType.Signup);

It would be great to use OTP to verify an email.



Can do!

@BasBBakker thanks - glad to hear you're finding it useful!

I'm a little confused on your request - the third parameter is just set as a default parameter, the signature already accepts EmailOtpType.Signup as a third parameter?


await client.VerifyOTP("", "123123", EmailOtpType.Signup);

is already valid!

Available in 3.1.2 using SignInWithOtp!