
Heroku to Supabase Migration Guide


  • A Heroku project with a Postgres database you want to migrate to Supabase
  • A Supabase project you want to migrate into
  • pg_dump command-line tool installed
  • psql command-line tool installed

Get your Heroku Database Credentials

  • Log into Heroku (https://heroku.com)
  • Select your project
  • Click Resources in the menu
  • Select your Heroku Postgres database
  • Click Settings in the menu
  • Click View Credentials
  • Save your credentials:
    • Host ($HEROKU_HOST)
    • Database ($HEROKU_DATABASE)
    • User ($HEROKU_USER)
    • Password ($HEROKU_PASSWORD)

Get your Supabase Host

  • Log into the Supabase Dashboard (https://supabase.com)
  • Select your project
  • Select Settings / Database
  • Under Connection Info / Host, note your Host ($SUPABASE_HOST)

Dump your Heroku Database to a file

pg_dump --clean --if-exists --quote-all-identifiers \
 --no-owner --no-privileges > heroku_dump.sql

Import the data to your Supabase project

psql -h $SUPABASE_HOST -U postgres -f heroku_dump.sql 

(Optional) Post Processing

If you're using graphql with your Supabase projects, you may need to issue the following SQL command in your Supabase Dashboard (Query Editor) to make sure the new tables show up:

select graphql.rebuild_schema();

Additional Options

  • To only migrate a single database schema, add the --schema=PATTERN parameter to your pg_dump command.
  • To exclude a schema: --exclude-schema=PATTERN.
  • To only migrate a single table: --table=PATTERN.
  • To exclude a tables: --exclude-table=PATTERN.

Run pg_dump --help for a full list of options.