- 12
auth-helpers-shared: "Session from session_id claim in JWT does not exist" error
#804 opened by rsimon - 1
- 5
supabase/ssr export error in browser
#725 opened by Aietes - 5
- 4
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- 12
Next14 & @supabase/ssr: AuthApiError: invalid flow state, no valid flow state found
#705 opened by lukerep - 1
- 0
- 6
[supabase/ssr] Missing hooks for `useSupabaseClient`, `useUser`, `useSession`
#744 opened by bombillazo - 3
Multiple GoTrueClient instances when using `supabase/ssr` and `@supabase/auth-helpers`
#739 opened by bombillazo - 5
User is null in nextjs api route handler
#802 opened by muezz - 34
Receiving warning when I'm not calling auth.getSession anywhere: Using is potentially insecure as it loads data directly from the storage medium (typically cookies) which may not be authentic. Prefer using supabase.auth.getUser() instead. To suppress this warning call supabase.auth.getUser() before you call supabase.auth.getSession()
#755 opened by williamlmao - 1
[supabase/ssr] Calling `createBrowserClient` multiple times overriding cached client options
#743 opened by bombillazo - 0
invalid input syntax for type uuid: \"\"
#803 opened by robksawyer - 1
Nextjs: Using a non-auth related search parameter `code` can be very problematic!
#770 opened by williamlmao - 5
cannot get user after Google Auth sign in
#718 opened by shawnesquivel - 1
- 8
Refreshing session can result in duplicate cookies (chunked and non chunked versions)
#704 opened by astonfuture - 2
the cookies option doesn't seem to be doing anything
#721 opened by JorensM - 3
[supabase/ssr] Auth token chunking broken
#738 opened by bombillazo - 3
Mark `auth-helpers` packages as deprecated on npm
#775 opened by hmnd - 1
[@supabase/ssr] Documentation for `createServerClient` & createBrowserClient
#754 opened by biasedbit - 0
- 1
Requesting offline_access scope with Azure OAuth and Astro causes cookies to be deleted
#766 opened by glib-0 - 2
- 8
cookieOption field "name" is not correctly working
#717 opened by cp-20 - 3
Vite 5 breaks @supabase/ssr createBrowserClient
#699 opened by wiesson - 0
README has no mention of SSR
#748 opened by chekdotdev - 0
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- 1
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Sveltekit 2.0 cookie API change
#706 opened by Hugos68 - 1
@supabase/ssr causing ReferenceError: __dirname is not defined in Next.js's middleware
#737 opened by meetyan - 2
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- 1
SSR: Setting custom name for cookie causes subsequent calls to getUser to fail
#719 opened by NickG-NZ - 1
AuthApiError: Error sending confirmation mail
#727 opened by psiaux - 3
- 1
- 0
Remix LoaderFunctionArgs request parameter is incompatible with types from supabase/ssr createServerClient
#728 opened by searchableguy - 10
@supabase/ssr supabase.auth.getSession() returns valid session for deleted user
#702 opened by kvetoslavnovak - 1
ssr not obeying redirectTo
#710 opened by sroussey - 3
Issue with @supabase/ssr and Nextjs v14.0.4
#703 opened by C-Johanson - 0
New user confirmation is broken
#716 opened by kitzj - 0
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