
typescript generated type of pgvector/vector is string

dejoma opened this issue · 5 comments

dejoma commented

Enable Vector Extension in public schema, then create a table:

create table dejoma_test (
  id serial primary key,
  title text not null,
  body text not null,
  embedding vector(1536)

Then execute:
supabase gen types typescript --schema "public" --linked > example.ts

To find that:

dejoma_test: {
        Row: {
          body: string
          embedding: string | null
          id: number
          title: string
        Insert: {
          body: string
          embedding?: string | null
          id?: number
          title: string
        Update: {
          body?: string
          embedding?: string | null
          id?: number
          title?: string

which then in turn get's flagged by my typescript server:

Please help, I (expect) that I can fix this locally by changing those types to number[] after generating the fles.

gregnr commented

Hey @dejoma, agreed the DX for vector types could be better. The trouble is related to how PostgREST is returning pgvector values. See more context here:

Ideally these would be number[] everywhere.

Transferring this issue to the postgres-meta repo. cc @soedirgo

In the mean time as a workaround you can try wrapping your embedding in a JSON.stringify(), casting inline, or manually changing the Insert type as you mention (note the Row type may come back as string... needs to be tested).

@dejoma you can also try the workaround here - you can use JSON.stringify() to insert values into the column, and for fetching data you can use a computed column so you don't have to cast all the time.

Closing this unless a better solution comes up for handling vector types