A RESTful API for managing your Postgres. Fetch tables, add roles, and run queries
- 14
Generating types in python format
#795 opened by dhruvmalik007 - 0
- 2
Generating types not working for enums: Field name 'request_status' works fine in the UI, but when the types are generated, it uses other values ("PENDING" | "SUCCESS" | "ERROR")
#844 opened by victordelajarte - 3
Typescript gen : invalid SQL Function types
#842 opened by ngasull - 2
Return types for RPC cannot have nullable properties
#841 opened by dbuhon - 1
supabase gen types: Support for tsrange
#830 opened by SanjoSolutions - 1
Remove generated columns from Insert/Update types
#838 opened by dreinon - 0
Incorrect typescript types for nested embedding
#837 opened by timbovelander - 2
Incorrect typescript types generated for functions returning records or table row types (generated as unknown)
#836 opened by Donnerstagnacht - 1
- 0
Generate concrete typescript types for JSON columns based on pg_jsonschema
#834 opened by goszczynskip - 3
- 1
Generate const array of possible enum values
#832 opened by gwax - 0
Types generated by supabase db reset and supabase gen types are not consistent
#831 opened by saint-james-fr - 2
- 0
Generated typescript types ordering is nondeterministic for: View Relationships
#810 opened by StephenTangCook - 2
Missing `CompositeTypes` when generating locally
#811 opened by jason-yolabs - 1
generate dart types (classes)
#807 opened by NeatFastro - 0
Installation package error :
#803 opened by JackFrancisLiu - 2
Error building in Ubuntu 24.04
#802 opened by javsalgar - 1
worng type for int4range :unknown
#801 opened by zhihengGet - 2
[typescript gen] Add `CompositeTypes` helper
#797 opened by f-elix - 6
- 1
- 0
Composite types can be null
#763 opened by 0xBigBoss - 5
typescript generated type of pgvector/vector is string
#578 opened by dejoma - 5
Generate types for foreign tables
#579 opened by bastiaanv - 1
Type generation script does not pick up correct type when a SQL function returns data from other table
#732 opened by travis-humata - 4
Duplicated triggers in one schema.
#715 opened by anggoran - 4
Generating types for a postgresql array results in Typescript unknown property
#581 opened by tom-at-pixel - 3
SSL connection error with "PG_META_DB_SSL_ROOT_CERT" and "rejectUnauthorized" misconfiguration
#644 opened by tkpte - 0
Stopping the container is slow, resorting to SIGKILL
#663 opened by nykula - 2
- 1
Hardcoded metadata resulting in broken TypeScript type generation from the Supabase CLI
#716 opened by yingw787 - 3
- 3
Permission denied error when generating types
#621 opened by bombillazo - 2
Add support for Indexes
#513 opened by kiwicopple - 1
How to get online postgre-meta version?
#667 opened by S96EA - 1
gentype producing wrong type for inner join
#595 opened by louisgv - 3
- 3
- 3
supabase gen types generates duplicate identifiers
#590 opened by monodop - 1
Feat: Indexes
#583 opened by kiwicopple - 0
Unable to run postgres-meta development
#575 opened by Amogh-Bharadwaj - 1
Type generation: `unknown` generated for columns of views which are have the row type of a table
#534 opened by joeally - 0
- 1
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Typings for functions returning setof <table>
#468 opened by jsbrain - 0
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