- 3
- 0
Azure oAuth leading to 431 REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE in NextJS on Vercel
#78 opened by TomHessburg - 0
Suggestion to update Guides to include VueJS
#76 opened by mdr0414 - 1
- 14
Error: Invalid UTF-8 sequence crashing Vercel
#67 opened by k2xl - 0
createBrowserClient logs users out if there's a `error_description` query parameter
#74 opened by christiangenco - 10
AuthApiError: Invalid Refresh Token: Refresh Token Not Found when refreshing token in middleware
#68 opened by lourd - 8
- 4
- 31
Cookies not setting properly supabase ssr
#36 opened by Sof2222 - 0
Suggestions on using this lib with non-web apps
#65 opened by wong2 - 0
Getting Error `Failed to launch... scheme does not have a registered handler` when configuring Google OAuth with Remix/Supabase
#64 opened by kevinreber - 2
Using @supabase/ssr in Expo with API Routes
#42 opened by trevorpfiz - 7
- 7
- 4
- 12
- 3
Reset Password Flow not working
#46 opened by limegorilla - 1
When using NextJS, signInWithOAuth does not consistently set verifier cookie as part of PKCE flow
#55 opened by jchaselubitz - 2
- 2
The `verifyOtp` method with the type "recovery" does not correctly log in the user
#51 opened by dvenomb98 - 7
- 2
- 4
Add Remix app example
#38 opened by IHIutch - 5
- 1
Update Pages Router for 0.4.0 update
#22 opened by IHIutch - 3
sveltekit doc not updated 0.4.0
#23 opened by zhihengGet - 1
Calling `createBrowserClient` multiple times overriding cached client options
#29 opened by bombillazo - 5
Password Recovery Does Not Update Auth Session
#21 opened by vehm - 2
- 1
createBrowserClient is incorrectly marked as deprecated when no options object is passed in 0.4.0-rc.3
#15 opened by harrisrobin - 0
Inconsistent `storageKey` usage.
#19 opened by activenode