
Given tetris pieces, find the smallest possible square to fit the pieces together

Primary LanguageC


Given tetris pieces, find the smallest possible square to fit the pieces together.

Project folder structure

├── fillit-files [source files for project + header file]
├── libft [my library with various functions]
Makefile [compiles the project]
author [my and my teammates usernames]

Allowed pieces

The input file containing tetris pieces can contain following pieces. Furthermore, each piece needs to be 4x4 square consisting of dots and hashes. The input is validated. Thus, invalid input would be rejected.









Run make to create fillit executable. As an argument, file containing tetriminos is passed and result is smallest square that fits all pieces. Each tetrimino is represented as letters to understand which piece is which.


Below is an input file consisting of tetriminos to be put within a square.






After running fillit executable with the input file above

./fillit map

the output is the following square. Thus, tetriminos have been placed in smallest possible square.


Each tetrimino is represted with letters to distinguish which one is which.