
An eCommerce example App in swift

Primary LanguageSwift


An eCommerce example App in swift

To get started with your own Moltin Store, update the client id in the Appdelegate

    static let moltinId = "g3hseurjGYNLzs83nRPAneJP2nDurkbkXn1901hEJP"

The first screen display Products within a category. You can adjust this to fit your catalog heirarcy. Example change the request to use brands, or simply remove it.

        MoltinManager.instance().getCategories { (categories) -> (Void) in
            self.categories = categories
            //Get the first three categories to show then lump the rest
            self.cat1 = self.categories[0]
            self.cat2 = self.categories[1]
            self.cat3 = self.categories[2]
            MoltinManager.instance().getProducts { (products) -> (Void) in
                self.product = products
                for products in self.product  {
                    if  (products.categories![0].name == self.categories[0].name) {
                    else if (products.categories![0].name == self.categories[1].name) {
                    else if (products.categories![0].name == self.categories[2].name) {
                    else {

The add to cart call, is used in multiple places but can found in the MoltinManager class. It takes in a product and qty. Cartid does not need to be passed in and can be left blank to be handled.

    //add item to cart
   public func addItemToCart(cartId: String?, productId: String, qty: Int, completion: @escaping (_ itemAdded: Bool) -> (Void)) {
       var itemAdded = false
       self.moltin.cart.addProduct(withID: productId , ofQuantity: qty, toCart: AppDelegate.cartID, completionHandler: { (_) in
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               itemAdded = true

Once something has been added to a cart, the check out flow is to checkout and order with customer and shipping info, then process a payment. Example checkout used

    public func checkoutOrder(customer: Customer, address: Address, completion: @escaping (_ Order: Order) -> (Void)) {
        self.moltin.cart.checkout(cart: AppDelegate.cartID, withCustomer: customer, withBillingAddress: address, withShippingAddress: nil) { (result) in
            switch result {
            case .success(let order):
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
            default: break

From there you can look to process the order however you want. In this example I used a manual gateway. Not you need to enable gateways in your Moltin Store. This can be done under settings.

    public func payForOrder(order: Order?, paymentMethod: PaymentMethod, completion: @escaping (_ orderPayed: Bool) -> (Void)) {
        var orderPayed = false
        self.moltin.cart.pay(forOrderID: order?.id ?? "", withPaymentMethod: paymentMethod) { (result) in
            switch result {
            case .success(let status):
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    orderPayed = true
                    print("Paid for order: \(status)")
            case .failure(let error):
                orderPayed = false
                print("Could not pay for order: \(error)")