- 6
When will the support come for react@18?
#616 opened by silvanoamaral - 10
- 2
Will support react-router v6 and history v5?
#590 opened by LexaDel - 2
When will the support come for react@18?
#612 opened by aayush27 - 6
Don't support for react-router-doom v6
#550 opened by HipSiGa - 1
- 2
Could not find router reducer in state tree, it must be mounted under "router": but it exists
#548 opened by Lazarencjusz - 3
This project appears to be out of maintenance
#579 opened by yoyo837 - 0
link button not working second when i added new maincategory, it is rendering same component intead of going path
#615 opened by dineshbhati61102 - 2
Is the project DEAD???
#613 opened by cstsiushkevich - 1
How to reset the states with connect-react-router
#610 opened by chengr4 - 0
VSCode - Integrated Console stops responding
#611 opened by dfdumaresq - 1
- 1
Support react-redux@8.0.2
#577 opened by goesbysteve - 0
Expose an Error Handler
#608 opened by IPWright83 - 18
Cannot find module: 'lodash.isequalwith'.
#480 opened by tykdn - 1
Redirect not working in react-router-dom v6
#591 opened by krajcikondra - 19
Support react router 6
#543 opened by Iuriy-Budnikov - 5
Can't install package with React 18.1
#571 opened by NetoBoralli - 1
- 0
Incompatibility with history.listen with history@5
#589 opened by adekbadek - 5
Type '{ children: () => Element; history: History<unknown>; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<ConnectedRouter<unknown>> & Readonly<ConnectedRouterProps<unknown>>'.
#573 opened by Umar-Farooq-Shafi - 5
Provide an update to work with `@types/react@18`
#565 opened by txemaleon - 1
- 5
- 0
Add support for react-redux v8.0.2
#576 opened by goesbysteve - 1
- 0
Could not find router reducer in state tree, it must be mounted under "router"
#566 opened by seelasudheer99 - 1
Location cannot be moved in testing-library
#533 opened by joyfuI - 0
Does connected-react-router
#560 opened by ruiminxu - 2
Github subtitle is misleading
#522 opened by JamesGelok - 3
Uncaught Could not find router reducer in state tree, it must be mounted under "router"
#511 opened by huonglt - 1
- 1
Add history stack to store
#546 opened by aandronache - 4
- 1
BrowserHistoryOptions does not contain base name
#524 opened by gregryork - 0
Can I use it with mobx-state-tree?
#523 opened by MohammedSaberMohammed - 1
"Uncaught Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component" error when using Connected Router with Electron
#521 opened by haveamission - 2
Doesn't work properly with "history" v5.0.0
#487 opened by simpleman383 - 0
location.state useless when ssr using
#513 opened by cruperman - 0
Right Click Link Open in new tab does not update redux store location pathname variable
#510 opened by vlad-datacat - 6
Push not working
#475 opened by tonybrbtravel - 2
- 0
When is LOCATION_CHANGE detected in the middleware?
#477 opened by joetidee - 0
Warning: You cannot change <Router history>
#479 opened by rendomnet - 2
#467 opened by tibic - 0
- 0
#466 opened by ileonovdima - 1
- 0
Gallery Component React Router Exemple
#465 opened by vinycs1