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LoadSir is a lightweight, good expandability Android library used for displaying different pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or even your custom page when you load a page (such as do net job). LoadSir is very different from other similar libraries. I mean... better.
in Activity | in View | in Fragment |
Placeholder | Multi-Fragment | ViewPager+Fragment |
- ⭐ support for Activity, Fragment, Fragment(v4), View
- ⭐ support for Multi-Fragment, Fragment+ViewPager
- ⭐ convert http result structure into a Callback
- ⭐ only load one layout once
- ⭐ don't need to set enum or constant for status code
- ⭐ set your own onClick logic in custom Callback
- ⭐ no preloaded load page
- allow to customize your own load page
- set the retry onClick listener
- set the default load page
- add multi load pages
- thread-safety
LoadSir only needs 3 steps to finish its task: Config -> Register -> Display
compile 'com.kingja.loadsir:loadsir:1.2.0'
There are two ways to set the config. Add your custom pages and set the default page.
Set config with singleton pattern, you can do it in your Application. No matter where you do this job, you could get the unique LoadSir everywhere.
public class App extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
.addCallback(new ErrorCallback())
.addCallback(new EmptyCallback())
.addCallback(new LoadingCallback())
.addCallback(new TimeoutCallback())
.addCallback(new CustomCallback())
If you want to create another specific LoadSir, you can set config like this.
LoadSir loadSir = new LoadSir.Builder()
.addCallback(new LoadingCallback())
.addCallback(new EmptyCallback())
.addCallback(new ErrorCallback())
loadService = loadSir.register(this, new Callback.OnReloadListener() {
public void onReload(View v) {
// retry logic
Tell LoadSir which "layout" you want be replaced with LoadLayout.
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Your can change the callback on sub thread directly.
LoadService loadService = LoadSir.getDefault().register(this, new Callback.OnReloadListener() {
public void onReload(View v) {
// retry logic
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.iv_img);
LoadSir loadSir = new LoadSir.Builder()
.addCallback(new TimeoutCallback())
loadService = loadSir.register(imageView, new Callback.OnReloadListener() {
public void onReload(View v) {
// retry logic
Use it in Fragment is a bit different from the other two, follow the template code.
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
//step 1:obtain root view
rootView = View.inflate(getActivity(), R.layout.fragment_a_content, null);
//step 2:obtain the LoadService
LoadService loadService = LoadSir.getDefault().register(rootView, new Callback.OnReloadListener() {
public void onReload(View v) {
// retry logic
//step 3:return the LoadLayout from LoadService
return loadService.getLoadLayout();
protected void loadNet() {
// do net job...
// callback
loadService.showSuccess();//successful case
loadService.showCallback(EmptyCallback.class);//other case
If you want LoadSir to do callback automatically, you can pass a Convertor when you register.
LoadService loadService = LoadSir.getDefault().register(this, new Callback.OnReloadListener() {
public void onReload(View v) {
// retry logic
}}, new Convertor<HttpResult>() {
public Class<? extends Callback> map(HttpResult httpResult) {
Class<? extends Callback> resultCode = SuccessCallback.class;
switch (httpResult.getResultCode()) {
if (httpResult.getData().size() == 0) {
resultCode = EmptyCallback.class;
resultCode = SuccessCallback.class;
resultCode = ErrorCallback.class;
return resultCode;
Pass a HttpResult, now you start up a robot LoadSir.
You can customize your own load page like loading, empty, error, timeout, etc. Provide the layout and fill the retry logic (if necessarily).
public class CustomCallback extends Callback {
protected int onCreateView() {
return R.layout.layout_custom;
protected boolean onRetry(final Context context, View view) {
Toast.makeText(context.getApplicationContext(), "Hello buddy! :p", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
(view.findViewById(R.id.iv_gift)).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Toast.makeText(context.getApplicationContext(), "It's your gift! :p", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
The effect of placeholder is just like the library ShimmerRecyclerView works. LoadSir do the similar job only through a PlaceHolderCallback, just a custom Callback. That feeling was amazing. 👻
-dontwarn com.kingja.loadsir.**
-keep class com.kingja.loadsir.** {*;}
CurrentVersion: v1.2.0
Any questions: Welcome to contact me.
- Email: kingjavip@gmail.com
Copyright 2017 KingJA
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.