Authentication Provider for the Social Accounts V1

User authentication in SPA, built with Node.js and React (Koa, Passport, Redux, Redux-Saga, React Router). Local authentication, where users can log in using a username and passport and authentication through Facebook.

Authenticating Users in SPA using Node, Passport, React and Redux



If you want to use authentication with facebook, you need to create a new facebook app, enable OAuth Login in Settings -> Facebook Login and add Valid OAuth Redirect URIs. Then you need to copy Client Token and App Id into .env file in root of project folder.

Install and Run

  1. Install Redis

  2. Install npm dependencies

# install dependencies
$ npm i
# run project

# run redis
$ redis-server

# run webpack server to serve front-end code
$ npm run webpack

# run node.js server
$ npm run api


ERROR in ./index.jsx
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (23:4)

  21 | const store = createStore(
  22 |   combineReducers({
> 23 |     ...reducers,
     |     ^
  24 |     router: routerReducer,
  25 |   }),
  26 |   composeWithDevTools(applyMiddleware(routerMiddleware(history), sagaMiddleware)),

 @ multi babel-polyfill ./index.jsx
ℹ 「wdm」: Failed to compile.

You can simply install the Babel "Object rest spread transform" preset like so: 
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread

And add it to your list of plugins:

    "plugins": [
        // Other plugins...