
A rendering tool for Blender made in C#.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python tool that aims to simplify batch, remote, and distributed rendering by using Blender's build in command line arguments. The tool accepts a JSON formatted file (with the extension .job) with the render configuration, and which contains the local file location. The tool will then generate and run the corresponding command line argument to Blender.

In the future, this tool will be expanded with a GUI to do the following:

  • Allow for users to easily create and run batch Blender render jobs.
  • Allow for users to easily run Blender render jobs on remote computers.



The FastF12 tool is dependent on the current implementation of Blender's command line arguments. There have been slight changes in the number of commands between major Blender releases. This tool will follow the current implementation of command line arguments in Blender 2.65a as detailed by the official documentation.

The current supported command line arguments are:

blender [-b <dir><file> [-o <dir><file>][-F <format>] [-x [0|1]][-t <threads>][-S <name>][-f <frame>] [-s <frame> -e <frame> -a]] [[-P <scriptname> [-- <parameter>]]

A JSON formatted config file, as sampled below, contains all the relevant fields to generate a command of the latter format. For single frame render, only the .blend file and frame to render are required. Likewise for an animation render, only the .blend file and the range of frames to render are required. All other fields are optional. A simple sample .job config file is below:

	"path": "default.blend",
	"render-type": "Single",
	"render-output": "/render/"

This will produce the following command, which is then monitored, and run by the tool.

blender -b default.blend -o /render -f 1

Job File

All JSON field names are taken from the Blender 2.5 Command Line Arguments Documentation. Type is the only special field, so that the tool can distinguish between an single frame render, and an animation render.

Required Fields

Currently FastF12 can complete two types of jobs. These and their minimum fields are detailed below. Any .job files without this basic information will not run. All other fields not listed in the minimum requirements are optional.

Single Frame Render Requirements - Renders a single frame.

  • path
  • render-type
  • render-output

Animation Render Requirements - Renders an animation.

  • path
  • render-type
  • render-output
  • frame-start
  • frame-end

All Fields

  • path - Relative file path to the .blend file
  • render-type - Single Frame or Animation Render. Accepted Values: "Single" or "Animation"
  • render-output - Directory to output the render results
  • frame - Frame to render
  • frame-start - Start frame in animation to render
  • frame-end - End frame in animation to render
  • format - Set the render format. See Blender Command Line Documentation for accepted values.
  • use-extension - Add or omit the file extension to the end of the file. Accepted Values: "True" or "False"
  • threads - Amount of threads to use for rendering
  • scene -Scene to use