
Static demo site generator based on atool-build & dora

Primary LanguageHTML


NPM version Build Status Coverage Status NPM downloads Dependency Status

Static demo generator based on atool-build and dora


├── README.md
├── examples
│   ├── a.js
│   ├── a.html
│   └── b.md
└── statics
    └── data.json


├── README.md
├── __site
│   ├── common.js
│   ├── examples
│   │   ├── a.html
│   │   ├── a.js
│   │   ├── b.html
│   │   ├── b.js
│   ├── index.html
│   └── statics
│       └── data.json
└── examples
    ├── a.js
    ├── a.html
    └── b.md


Online Demos

Visit https://ant-tool.github.io/atool-doc/

Local Demos

$ git clone git@github.com:ant-tool/atool-doc.git
$ cd atool-doc && npm i
$ npm run demo

Then, visit



$ npm i atool-doc -g


  atool-doc          start server at for demo

  atool-doc [options]

    -h, --help       output usage information
    -v, --version    output the version number
    --dest <dir>     config path of output dir, default __site
    --source <dir>   config path of demo files dir, default examples
    --asset <dir>    config path of static resource, default statics
    --tpl <path>     config path or name of tpl file
    --config <path>  config path of webpack.config, default webpack.config.js
    --port <number>  specify server port, default 8002
    --build          only build
    -w, --watch      using with --build, watch mode

How to write demo file

Use .js or .md files to write demo under the directory specified in source


.md is more powerful

Write the code of demo with a section of ## code, using language of js/jsx/javascript, css and html to customize css and dom

And then write other things you want at other sections, eg:



Without customizing dom, you can also work with the hook dom div#__exampleDom, placeholder in default template file, eg:



supprted templates

atool-doc support several template file for different scenes:

  • github: github theme, default one

customize template

If the templates above can not meet your needs, just try writing a new one!

  • use atool-doc --tpl somewhere to specify your template file

  • write your template file with following variables available on the context of file

    • meta: meta info of each example file, { name: 'something', someKey: 'someValue' }

    • link: link of all demo files, { demoName: 'demoPath' }

    • title: string of file-path, examples/basic

    • resource: kinds of path for resourceFile, { name: 'basicNameAndExt', relativeToCwd: 'relativePathToCwd' }

    • script: array of script-path need to insert into the html file, ['../common.js', './basic.js']

    • html: string of html element, <div></div>

    • style: string of style by css, body { color: red; }

    • desc: code of demo and other things written by markdown, <h2>code</h2><div class="highlight"></div>

The template file only support syntax of ejs currently