
Initialize it running "node ./setup.js". A TypeScript library boilerplate. Check types pretty strictly; generates CommonJS, ESM and UMD bundles with Rollup.js; setup unit tests with Jest; and generate docs from sources with Typedoc.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Continuous Integrations License Package tree-shaking Package minified & gzipped size Package dependency count


This library is published in the NPM registry and can be installed using any compatible package manager.

npm install [libraryName] --save

# For Yarn, use the command below.
yarn add [libraryName]

Installation from CDN

This module has an UMD bundle available through JSDelivr and Unpkg CDNs.

<!-- For UNPKG use the code below. -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[libraryName]"></script>

<!-- For JSDelivr use the code below. -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[libraryName]"></script>

  // UMD module is exposed through the "[libraryCamelCaseName]" global variable.


Documentation generated from source files by Typedoc.


Released under MIT License.