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APP Web-based UB04 Form. Be able to see all of your patient billing information on our web-based UB04 form before submitting it to double check possible errors. If errors exist, update the information on you database on the moment from the UI web-app.

Technologies Used

  1. MySQL database with Sequelize ORM
  2. Node and Express server
  3. Handlebars.js template engine, CSS and SVG
  4. Puppeteer
  5. Heroku for deployment

Table of Contents


If package.json doesn't show:

1.npm init // 2.npm install debug mysql2 sequelize express express-handlebars If package.json shows: 1.npm install


Check that all your UB04-Form is correct to avoid billing errors. If you see any problem on your form. Modify the information, hit "Update Button" and your database will be updated. Follow instructions below for integrating the app into your system:

  1. When posting/populating database, you will need to create a JSON.stringify(object). Example for column FL42: "{"code1": "0012", "code2": "1111", ... "code24":"", ..."code999":"0199"}".
  2. For proper functionality it is important to add elements to the same object and respect the syntax and ascending nature of the object keys.
  3. Examples:

FL42 = "{"code1": "0012", "code2": "1111", ...}" FL43 = "{"serv1": "Dental", "serv2": "Pharmacy", ...}" FL44 = "{"rate1": "500.50", "rate2": "57.88", ...}" FL45 = "{"date1": "11/02/2020", "date2": "12/01/2020", ...}" FL46 = "{"unit1": "3", "unit2": "1", ...}" FL47 = "{"charge1": "1501.50", "charge2": "57.88", ...}" FL48 = "{"nonCov1": "100.52", "nonCov2": "", ...}" FL49 = "{"nubc1": "", "nubc2": "_", ...}"

  1. If a service (serv1) it is added for a client, it is important to add information to the rest of columns' 1s elements even if there is no info (just put NA, "-" or ""). Example:

1, 7895, Mikel Rodriguez, {"code1":"11111","code2":"22223"}, {"serv1":"Pharmacy","serv2":"Dental"}, {"rate1":"489.66","rate2":"85"}, {"date1":"","date2":""}, {"unit1":"3","unit2":"1"}, {"charge1":"1300.98","charge2":"55"}, {"nonCov1":"NA","nonCov2":""}, {"nubc1":"","nubc2":"_"}


  • Two models/tables in the database. First model contains all of the patient info. Second model contains all of the patient services (form fields 42_1 - 49_1 to 42_22 - 49_22).
  • PUT and GET methods to interact with the database
  • CRUD method
  • MVC paradigm for folder structure


GitHub: https://github.com/musicman785 GitHub: https://github.com/Shaleem90 GitHub: https://github.com/pvazquezems GitHub: https://github.com/MikelTafalla