
Unordered * Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 2a * Item 2b Ordered 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 3. Item 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b Miscellaneous Images ![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png) Format: ![Alt Text](url) Links http://github.com - automatic! [GitHub](http://github.com) Blockquotes As Kanye West said: > We're living the future so > the present is our past. GitHub Flavored Markdown Syntax highlighting with GFM ```javascript function fancyAlert(arg) { if(arg) { $.facebox({div:'#foo'}) } } ``` Or, indent your code 4 spaces Here is a Python code example without syntax highlighting: def foo: if not bar: return true Inline code for comments I think you should use an `<addr>` element here instead. Task Lists - [ ] a task list item - [ ] list syntax required - [ ] normal **formatting**, @mentions, #1234 refs - [ ] incomplete - [x] completed


Unordered * Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 2a * Item 2b Ordered 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 3. Item 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b Miscellaneous Images GitHub Logo Format: Alt Text Links http://github.com - automatic! GitHub Blockquotes As Kanye West said: > We're living the future so > the present is our past. GitHub Flavored Markdown Syntax highlighting with GFM javascript function fancyAlert(arg) { if(arg) { $.facebox({div:'#foo'}) } } Or, indent your code 4 spaces Here is a Python code example without syntax highlighting: def foo: if not bar: return true Inline code for comments I think you should use an &lt;addr> element here instead. Task Lists - [ ] a task list item - [ ] list syntax required - [ ] normal formatting, @mentions, #1234 refs - [ ] incomplete - [x] completed