
For the current version go to https://github.com/redFrik/redUniverse

Primary LanguageSuperCollider

work in progress.  happy for any comments or contributions.

note! some of the examples require additional classes like RedGA etc.  these are available online at my homepage http://www.fredrikolofsson.com under code->sc

140108 - RedFingerprint optimized pen drawing, removed RedWindow and corrected examples
	removed old html helpfiles
130225 - RedVector2D and RedVector3D optimizations
121130 - moved RedQWindow out of scide_scapp folder
121128 - added qt (RedQWindow) and bumped up required sc version to 3.5
	added helpfile for RedQWindow
	added new example 210-patterns_and_particles.scd
	bugfix for RedUniverse interpolate class method
121126 - added update2 to RedSpring - thanks a. bartetzki
120820 - bugfix memory leak in RedParticleSystem - thanks d. kolokol
111004 - added examples 013, 017, 046, 161
	changed envelope in ex 004 from kr to ar
	changed example 160 to animate instead of play
110927 - all helpfiles converted to scdoc format
110914 - added 191-kmeans2 example
110323 - moved RedWindow cocoa into scide_scapp folder
101214 - support for discrete worlds with surroundings and neighbours
	one new discrete world example added
101210 - cleaned up and added helpfiles for RedHiddenObject, RedParticle, RedBoid, RedRock, RedFood, RedAgent
	added 2 boids examples and cleaned up a few others
	wrote addForceWander1D and addForceWander3D methods for RedBoid
	wrote addForceAngular3D, pendulumOffset3D, pendulumLoc3D
101208 - added manhattanDistance to RedVector
	added RedKMeans class and example 190
	added animate, frame and frameRate for RedJWindow to fake primitive
100602 - removed bugfixes for Collection and FloatArray and moved the species {^this.class} fix into the RedVector class itself
090629 - helpfiles and examples now uses view redirect instead of GUI
	bugfix for RedWindow and RedJWindow resize
090624 - optimised collision detection.  added distance line example
090617 - added RedObject:spring and RedSpring helper class.  also added spring examples and RedObject:containsLoc
090616 - added example 102.  added RedWorld1 class.  RedWindow and RedJWindow removed relativeOrigin
090523 - moved some classes to folder 'additional'.  added RedPerlin
090522 - added RedMRCM and RedIFS
090521 - RedWindow and RedJWindow now draws in the UserView - thanks Thor
090514 - growth example and asPoint added to RedVector
090510 - added RedLSystem and RedLTurtle classes
	updated example 070-lsystem.scd
	edited links in all helpfiles and in the overview
	added s.sync to a few examples
	updated and moved redFingerprint quark into redUniverse
081111 - moved RedWindow and RedJWindow into separate folders (osx, linux, windows) so that cocoa gui code is ignored on linux+windows
080929 - some minor additions
	added extPoint asRedVector2D helper methods
	added RedHiddenObject.  useful when using attractors
	added <userView for RedWindow and RedJWindow
080219 - updated for sc3.2 and swingosc0.59
	fixed all pendulum examples to draw line on swingosc (added a GUI.pen.stroke)
	changed from mouseover to mousemove so now it's required to click&drag to update mouse position.
	fixed 150-track_synth.scd and took away RedTrack.  now using only standard ugens for audio tracking.
080116 - changed from 25 to 40 fps for RedWindow and RedJWindow .play
	some small corrections to match Pen changes to width_
071205 - converted all help.rtf to .html and the examples to .scd
	added the example overview file.
	changed so that RedJWindow is disabled by default.
071031 - update for 3.1
	removed penExt.sc with its strokeColor_ and fillColor_ extensions.
	tiny fix for 150-track_synth.rtf.
071029 - bugfix
	now RedWindow shouldn't crash sc anymore.  it was due to scott's window scoll implemented earlier this autumn.