file to.env
inside the contracts directory -
file.Here, you need three things.
Install yarn modules. Open terminal window and run:
npm install
npm i @truffle/hdwallet-provider@next
yarn install
- Deploy Smart Contract on Kovan Testnet
yarn build-deploy-kovan
yarn verify UniswapFlash1Inch --network kovan
- Deploy Smart Contract on Mainnet Fork
Note: Can use Ganache CLI or GUI. here describe how to use Ganache CLI.
yarn add global ganache-cli
yarn mainnet-fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>
Note: Don't close current terminal window and start with new terminal window.
yarn build-deploy
Ensure to have your .env configuration setup with your etherscan API key, and your INFURA API keys as well.
Successful profiting $99.9995 DAI Smart Contract Transaction: https://kovan.ethplorer.io/tx/0xf1c4037914460161b3f63779707c1f42fd7c6f6726b4193a38666dc87348ec4f
- AAVE, EQUALIZER, DODO Flashloan contracts activated for Mainnet
- bot.js needs to be modified to lookup mainnet opportunities
- Don't need add the new DEX's into the /config/dex.json file anymore. Just need UniswapV3 and WETH token.