The NextJs core starter for Stackbit.
npm install
npm run dev
Create a new markdown file content/pages/
with the following frontmatter.
title: 'New Example Page'
layout: 'AdvancedLayout'
- type: HeroSection
variant: variant-a
colors: colors-a
elementId: ''
width: wide
height: short
topGap: small
bottomGap: small
alignHoriz: left
alignVert: middle
label: New Collaboration
elementId: ''
title: The quick, brown fox jumps over **a lazy dog**
text: >-
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae. explicabo.
- type: Button
url: '#'
label: Apply Now
style: primary
elementId: ''
- type: Button
url: '#'
label: Learn more
style: secondary
type: ImageBlock
url: /images/fishing.jpg
altText: Image alt text
caption: Image caption
Visit http://localhost:3000/new-page/ to see the new page.
Note: The pages url will match the file path -
will resolve to /new-page. A nested folder likecontent/pages/blog/
will resolve to /blog/
Menu items are configured in content/data/config.json
. Edit the config file and add a new menu object to the primaryLinks
// content/data/config.json
"navBar": {
// ...
"primaryLinks": [
// ...
"type": "Link",
"label": "My New Page",
"url": "/new-page",
"altText": ""
// ...
Add a 🧩 CtaSection to the page by adding the component to the the sections array.
# content/pages/
title: 'New Example Page'
layout: 'AdvancedLayout'
sections: # sections array
- type: 'HeroSection'
# ...
- type: 'CtaSection'
variant: 'variant-a'
width: 'wide'
height: 'auto'
alignHoriz: 'center'
title: "Let's do this"
text: 'The Stackbit theme is flexible and scalable to every need. It can manage any layout and any screen.'
- type: 'Button'
url: '/contact'
label: 'Get Started'
style: 'primary'
Component Library: The Stackbit Component Library has full documentation on each component including the available props and frontmatter.
Component Examples
In this example we will create a new component that displays a grid of logos.
Create a new react component in src/components/LogoSection.js
import React from 'react'
const LogoSection = (props) => {
const { logos, title } = props
return (
<div className="max-w-screen-xl mx-auto px-4 sm:px-6 py-14 lg:py-20 mt-10 mb-10 text-center">
<h1 className="text-3xl tracking-tight sm:text-4xl mb-2">{title}</h1>
<div className="flex justify-center items-center">
{(logos || []).map((logo, index) => (
<div className="p-6" key={index}>
<img className="mb-2" height="60px" width="60px" src={logo.image} />
<h2 className="text-sm text-gray-400">{}</h2>
export default LogoSection
Register the component in src/components/register-components.js
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { registerComponents } from '@stackbit/components';
import { componentsMap } from '@stackbit/components/dist/components-map';
// Register all Stackbit components
// Override any static or dynamic component,
// or register your own dynamic component.
LogoSection: dynamic(() => import('./LogoSection'))
☝️ When registering dynamic components (i.e.: dynamic(() => import('...'))
) the key should be the model name.
In our case, the model name matches the component name so the key is LogoSection
By registering the LogoSection
component, page components will be able to access and render this component.
Create a new model file at .stackbit/models/LogoSection.yaml
which describes the data consumed by the LogoSection
type: object
name: LogoSection
label: Logo section
- sectionComponent
- type: string
name: title
- type: list
name: logos
type: object
- type: string
name: name
- type: image
name: image
☝️ By adding the sectionComponent
to the group
property you declare that the LogoSection
object can be added to any content field that allows embedding objects belonging to that group. One of such fields is the sections
field of the PageLayout
Now add the LogoSection
object to the list of sections
in the home page located at content/pages/
title: Home
layout: AdvancedLayout
- type: HeroSection
- type: LogoSection
title: "Our Partners"
- name: 'Stackbit'
image: '/images/stackbit.svg'
- name: 'NextJs'
image: '/images/nextdotjs.svg'
Download the images and place them in the /public/images/
In this example we will extend an existing Stackbit component.
Explain how layouts work.
- How does the
field work? - How does the
field effect which frontmatter fields can be used? - The layout is both a component and a model. Explain this concept.
This theme uses Tailwind CSS and PostCSS. The tailwind.config.js
includes our default style as a preset.
You can use any preset from 🎨 Stackbit Styles
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: [require('@stackbit/components/styles/retro/tailwind.retro.config')]
// ...
You can override any of the preset values in the extend
object. In this example we change the themes primary color.
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
primary: '#207bea'
The CSS is located in src/css/main.css
. The default style is imported from the Stackbit components library - @import '@stackbit/components/styles/default/style.css';
You can add your own custom css or override existing styles.
// src/css/main.css
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@import '@stackbit/components/styles/default/style.css';
@layer components {
.sb-badge {
@apply uppercase;
.page-example {
.component-content-section {
.component-badge {
padding: 10px 20px;
text-transform: uppercase;
border-radius: 3px;