
Random tools I've made for bug bounty hunting

Primary LanguagePython


Random tools I've made for bug bounty hunting

  • DNS SSRF : Find dns ping backs from URLs sent in headers (Burp Collaborator Everywhere inspired but does not use Burp) finds potential SSRF's and header based redirects

  • headerBlowupURL.py : Send a header of a specified size to tease out an error message that discloses backend server name / version. This works when header size limit lower on the backend server vs the frontend. So the header passes to the backend and triggers the error. See https://research.securitum.com/x-forwarded-for-header-security-problems/ for additional explanation Usage: python headerBlowupURL.py https://www.example.com 'X-Forwarded-For' 0 '%' 500 python headerBlowupURL.py [URL to Test] [Name of the Header] [How many times to repeat the value specified] [The value to repeat in the header] [How much of the response to return (optional default is 500)]

  • CheckPorts.sh - Banner grabbing using telnet through bash Usage: CheckPorts.sh [Input File of URLs/IPs and Ports] &> [Output File] expected input format or www.example.com:8001

  • tinyurl_bruteforce.py - A random brute forcer for shortened URLs (https://www.vanityurlshorteners.com/) note watch out for rate limiting Usage: python3 tinyurl_bruteforce.py 'https://tinyurl.com/' /tmp/tinyurl.txt 7 'https://www.example.com' Explanation: tinyurl_bruteforce.py [base url] [output file to save reults to] [max length of random characters appended to base] [optional to filter out results that all point to the same url]

  • vuln_files - My personal collection of files with hidden functionality used for testing file uploads

  • My personal suite of tools for fuzzing api endpoints. It logs api keys / tokens/ path traversals / debug pages etc

  • top hat - a tool i wrote to check for page changes when you add headers. Including length / response variations and reflected values in the response body. The usage is very similar to my APISPII tools. I also have a huge list of headers in my wordlists repo.

    usage - python3 top_hat.py "https://www.example.com/" header.txt .25 /tmp/wordlists/biglistofheaders.txt "{{77}}" usage - python3 top_hat.py /tmp/fileOfURLS.txt header.txt .25 /tmp/wordlists/biglistofheaders.txt "{{77}}" /tmp/outputfile.txt