
Next version of Comunion contract project

Primary LanguageSolidityApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Next version of Comunion contract project

how to contribute code

  1. develop is the development branch, not allowed push directly.

  2. release is the pre production branch,only merged by develop, just for the test.

  3. main is the production branch, only merged by release branch,

  4. feat/xxx or feature/xxx is the function branch,

  5. fix/xxx for fix bug

  6. hotfix/xxx for ambulance bug

how to start

  1. install truffle

    npm install -g truffle
  2. add a sol in contract dir

  3. add it to 2_deploy_contract

    const Startup = artifacts.require('Startup');
    module.exports = (deployer) => {
  4. migrate contract to development

    yarn dev
  5. migrate contract to goerli

    yarn goerli
  6. how to test your contract -. write your test sol in test dir -. the test function name must start with "test" -. migrate your contract -. run

    truffle test

how to created local environment

  1. use npm install remixed tools

    npm install -g @remix-project/remixd
  2. open remixed page ( http://remix.ethereum.org)

  3. start in your source code, run

    remixed -s [your source code list] --remix-ide http://remix.ethereum.org
  4. open "https://remix.ethereum.org/#optimize=true&runs=200"

  5. click home -> file -> connect to local host;

  6. after loading, happy coding

  7. if you installed ganache, you can use ganache;

  • npm install -g ganache-cli
  • use ganache, run ganache-cli in your terminal
  • if you installed ganache by GUI, you can start it directly
  1. after deployed contract, please update contract address in contractAddress.json file