
Superfeedr powered pipes!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Yahoo! Pipes equivalent built with Superfeedr, hosted on Heroku. We built that just in case Y! decides to "sunset" pipes as well...

Here is what it does:

  • Agregate feeds
  • Displays the agregate (Atom, Json or HTML)

Also, it's realtime, and can be tweaked in any way you want to fit your needs!

We have deployed a sample application on heroku, with 2 aggregate feeds:


You need:

For a simple use, you won't have to write any code at all!


$ git clone git://github.com/superfeedr/superpipes.git
Cloning into superpipes...
remote: Counting objects: 412, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (311/311), done.
remote: Total 412 (delta 78), reused 394 (delta 60)
Receiving objects: 100% (412/412), 237.10 KiB | 311 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (78/78), done.
$ cd superpipes/


Open the config/feeds.js in your favorite text editor, and fill in the feeds. Here is an example of configuration.

exports.feeds = {
    'first': { // Each feed needs to have an unique key. It's is important as it will be used in the permalink for your feeds.
        secret: 'this is the secret for my first agregate', // Optional but you should put a random sentence here to make things secure.
        name: "My very first agregate feed", // Name of your agregate feed
        sources: [
        ] // this is the list of the feeds you want to agregate in one.
    // ... Put more feeds here

The exported feeds object contains all the aggregate feeds you want to build with the sources to be used for each of them.


$ heroku create --stack cedar
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
$ heroku addons:add superfeedr
$ heroku config:add APP_HOST=<app name>.herokuapp.com 
$ heroku ps:scale web=1

Make sure you replace with your app's name.


Once deployed, you should be good to start playing! yay!. Now, a little warning: this aggregator will only agregate future entries, which means, that right when you're going to try it, there won't be much in there.

As you've configured your feeds in the first step, you can now access the aggregates in your browser. Each of them has 3 views: atom, json and html. The base url to access them is http://APP_HOST/<key>/format (except for html, where you can just type http://APP_HOST/<key>/). The APP_HOST is your app's hostname and the <key> is the key you've chosen in the config/feeds.js file.


  • Use https to subscribe
  • Implement signatures to verify origin of content (we can use a secret set in the heroku:config for example.)
  • Add filters that can be applied to a feed, in the form of function called on each entry.
  • Make sure the generated feeds are PubSubHubbub enabled as well
  • Allow for an XMPP retrieval if an XMPP server is provided to connect to
  • Make the HTML view realtime with socket.io for example!