
Bash functions-as-a-service

Primary LanguageTypeScript

BFaaS (Prounced beef-ass)

This is a very small Deno app that runs Bash Functions-as-a-Service.

Running Bash scripts

bfaas.fly.dev has two parameters:

  • script URL to execute with bash
  • args Arguments. You can pass this multiple times


➜  ~ curl "https://bfaas.fly.dev/?script=https://github.com/ruanyf/simple-bash-scripts/blob/master/scripts/whereIP.sh&args="

Chicago, Illinois in United States.

Isn't this a terrible idea?

Yes. Don't just deploy this app any ol' place. It's designed to run in Fly Machines. The process exits after it runs a user script, and the rootfs is reset before the VM starts back up.

There's a basic 10s timer to prevent long running scripts. Other than that, people can do all kinds of terrible stuff within the VM.