The AXI Verification Component Library implements verification components for:
- AXI4
- Master with bursting
- Memory Slave with bursting
- AXI4 Lite
- Master
- Transaction Slave
- AXI Stream
- Transmitter
- Receiver
Documentation for the OSVVM Verification Component libraries can be found here
Testbenches are in the Git repository, so you can run a simulation and see a live example of how to use the models.
- AXI4
- Common
- src
- Axi4
- src
- testbench
- Axi4Lite
- src
- testbench
- AxiStream
- src
- testbench
- Common
Before building this project, you must build the following libraries in order
See the OSVVM Verification Script Library for a simple way to build the OSVVM libraries.
Contains packages shared by Axi4, Axi4Lite, and AxiStream.
- Axi4LiteInterfacePkg.vhd
- Defines Axi4Lite Interface record
- Axi4InterfacePkg.vhd
- Defines Axi4 Full Interface record
- Axi4CommonPkg.vhd
- Used by Axi4, Axi4Lite, and AxiStream
- Defines procedures to handle ready and valid signaling
- Axi4ModelPkg.vhd
- Used by Axi4 and Axi4Lite
- Defines handling for Axi4 Bus interface
- Axi4OptionsTypePkg.vhd
- Used by Axi4 and Axi4Lite
- Transaction extensions for AXI4 bus interface
- Used in conjunction with AddressBusTransactionpkg
- Axi4VersionCompatibilityPkg.vhd
- Used by testbenches that used earlier versions of Axi4 and Axi4Lite verification components
- Used to minimize changes made to the AXI4
For current compile order see AXI4/common/
AXI4 Full verification components. Uses OSVVM Model Independent Transactions for AddressBusses. See OSVVM-Common repository, files Common/src/AddressBusTransactionpkg.vhd and Common/src/AddressBusResponderTransactionPkg.vhd
- Packages with component declarations for verification components
- Axi4MasterComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4ResponderComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4MemoryComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4MonitorComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4Context.vhd
- References all packages required to use the AXI4 verificaton components
- Axi4Master.vhd
- AXI4 Master verificaton component with bursting
- Axi4Monitor_dummy.vhd
- Axi4Responder_Transactor.vhd
- AXI4 Responder verificaton component
- Currently does not support bursting
- Axi4Memory.vhd
- AXI4 Memory verificaton component with bursting
For current compile order see AXI4/Axi4/
AXI4 Lite verification components. For current compile order see AXI4/Axi4/ Note that the long term plan is that the AXI4 Full models will be able to run in an Axi4Lite mode.
Uses OSVVM Model Independent Transactions for AddressBusses. See OSVVM-Common repository, files Common/src/AddressBusTransactionpkg.vhd and Common/src/AddressBusResponderTransactionPkg.vhd
- Packages with component declarations for verificatoin components
- Axi4LiteMasterComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4LiteResponderComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4LiteMemoryComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4LiteMonitorComponentPkg.vhd
- Axi4LiteContext.vhd
- References all packages required to use the AXI4Lite verificaton components
- Axi4LiteMaster.vhd
- AXI4 Master verificaton component
- Axi4LiteMonitor_dummy.vhd
- Axi4LiteResponder_Transactor.vhd
- AXI4 Responder verificaton component
- Axi4LiteMemory.vhd
- AXI4 Memory verificaton component
AxiStream Transmitter and Receiver verification components. Uses OSVVM Model Independent Transactions for Streaming, See OSVVM-Common repository, file Common/src/StreamTransactionPkg.vhd
- AxiStreamOptionsTypePkg.vhd
- Transaction extensions for AxiStream interface
- Used in conjunction with StreamTransactionpkg
- AxiStreamTransmitter.vhd
- AXI4 Transmitter verificaton component
- AxiStreamReceiver.vhd
- AXI4 Receiver verificaton component
- AxiStreamComponentPkg.vhd
- Packages with component declarations for verificatoin components
- AxiStreamContext.vhd
- References all packages required to use the AxiStream verificaton components
For current compile order see AXI4/AxiStream/
For the release history see,
The library OSVVM-Libraries
contains all of the OSVVM libraries as submodules.
Download the entire OSVVM model library using git clone with the "--recursive" flag:
$ git clone --recursive
The OSVVM project welcomes your participation with either issue reports or pull requests. For details on how to participate see
You can find the project Authors here and Contributors here.
OSVVM Forums and Blog:
SynthWorks OSVVM Blog:
Documentation: Documentation for the OSVVM libraries can be found here
Copyright (C) 2006-2020 by SynthWorks Design Inc.
Copyright (C) 2020 by OSVVM contributors
This file is part of OSVVM.
Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.