
Discord bot using discord.js on Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Discord bot using DiscordJS & NodeJS. This is not meant to be an eleborate bot but just some utility functions and cool things for my friends and to learn some NodeJS and modern Development and Deployment

Work has been moved to kbot2 https://github.com/superg2009/kbot2

Set Up

  • git clone repository
  • npm install
  • setup heroku project with two (2) env variables PREFIX (ex ! or ?) which distinguishes commands for Kbot and TOKEN which is your bots api token.
  • local environment uses dotenv and a .env file


node . or heroku local if you are using the heroku cli tool. Should work with tools like nodemon.

Major TODO:

  • clean up code / refactor
  • Tests, I need to learn to unit test