
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An HTTP client for Node.js supporting HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0, with support for retries, timeouts, and streaming.


  • Protocol Support: HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0.
  • HTTP Methods: Supports all standard methods—GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE.
  • Retries: Configurable retry mechanism for requests.
  • Timeouts: Set request timeouts to prevent hanging requests.
  • Streaming: Stream request bodies and responses (upstream and downstream).
  • Data Handling: Automatically handles JSON and URL-encoded form data.
  • Customizable: Configure headers, body, query parameters, and more.


Install via npm:

npm install @superhero/http-request


Importing the Module

import Request from '@superhero/http-request'

Creating a Request Instance

const request = new Request({
  base        : 'https://example.com',
  headers     : { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
  timeout     : 5e3,  // 5 seconds
  retry       : 3,    // Retry up to 3 times
  retryDelay  : 200   // 200ms delay between retries

Making Requests

Use the methods corresponding to HTTP verbs:

  • get(options)
  • post(options)
  • put(options)
  • patch(options)
  • delete(options)
  • head(options)
  • options(options)
  • trace(options)

Each method accepts an options object.

Example: GET Request

const response = await request.get('/users')

console.log(response.status)   // HTTP status code
console.log(response.headers)  // Response headers
console.log(response.body)     // Parsed response body

Example: POST Request with JSON Body

const response = await request.post({
  url  : '/users',
  body : { name: 'John Doe', email: 'john@example.com' }


Example: PUT Request with Form Data

const response = await request.put({
  url     : '/users/123',
  headers : { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
  body    : { name: 'Jane Doe', email: 'jane@example.com' }


Handling Errors

Errors are thrown with specific error codes for easier handling:



try {
  const response = await request.get({ url: '/data' })
catch (error) {
  console.error('Request failed:', error.message, error.code)

Configuring Retries and Timeouts

const response = await request.get({
  url: '/unstable-endpoint',
  timeout: 3000,              // 3 seconds timeout
  retry: 5,                   // Retry up to 5 times
  retryDelay: 500,            // 500ms delay between retries
  retryOnClientTimeout: true  // Retry if client times out

Streaming Data

Streaming Request Body (Upstream)

Stream data to the server using the upstream option with a readable stream.

import { Readable } from 'node:stream'

const upstream = Readable.from(['streaming ', 'data ', 'to ', 'server'])

const response = await request.post({
  url: '/upload',

Streaming Response Body (Downstream)

Stream the response data from the server using the downstream option with a writable stream.

import { createWriteStream } from 'node:fs'

const downstream = createWriteStream('output.txt')

const response = await request.get({
  url: '/download',

downstream.on('finish', () => {
  console.log('Download completed.')

Using HTTP/2

Establish a connection for HTTP/2 requests.

await request.connect('http://api.example.com')

// Now you can make HTTP/2 requests
const response = await request.get({ url: '/users' })

// Close the connection when done
await request.close()

API Reference

Class: Request


new Request(config)
  • config: An object containing default request configurations.


  • connect(authority, [options])

    • Connects to an HTTP/2 server.
    • authority: The URL to connect to.
    • options: Optional connection options.
  • close()

    • Closes the HTTP/2 client connection.
  • get(options)

    • Makes a GET request.
  • post(options)

    • Makes a POST request.
  • put(options)

    • Makes a PUT request.
  • patch(options)

    • Makes a PATCH request.
  • delete(options)

    • Makes a DELETE request.
  • head(options)

    • Makes a HEAD request.
  • options(options)

    • Makes an OPTIONS request.
  • trace(options)

    • Makes a TRACE request.

Request Options

  • url: The endpoint URL (relative to base if provided).
  • base: The base URL for resolving relative URLs.
  • headers: An object containing request headers.
  • body or data: The request payload (object or string).
  • method: HTTP method (overrides method implied by the function used).
  • timeout: Request timeout in milliseconds.
  • retry: Number of retry attempts on failure.
  • retryDelay: Delay between retries in milliseconds.
  • retryOnStatus: Array of HTTP status codes to trigger a retry.
  • retryOnClientTimeout: Retry on client timeout (true or false).
  • retryOnDownstreamError: Retry on downstream errors (true or false).
  • retryOnInvalidResponseBodyFormat: Retry if response body format is invalid (true or false).
  • retryOnErrorResponseStatus: Retry on error HTTP statuses (true or false).
  • doNotThrowOnErrorStatus: Do not throw on error statuses (true or false).
  • doNotThrowOnRedirectStatus: Do not throw on redirect statuses (true or false).
  • upstream: A Readable stream to pipe the request body from.
  • downstream: A Writable stream to pipe the response body to.

Response Object

  • status: HTTP status code of the response.
  • headers: Response headers as an object.
  • body: Parsed response body. If the response is JSON, it's parsed automatically. If downstream is used, body is omitted.


The test suite uses Node.js's built-in node:test module.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, execute:

node test.js

Test Coverage

▶ @superhero/http-request
  ▶ HTTP 1.1
    ▶ Request using method
      ✔ POST (29.927617ms)
      ✔ PUT (6.608225ms)
      ✔ PATCH (4.07807ms)
      ✔ GET (4.255941ms)
      ✔ DELETE (5.305515ms)
      ✔ HEAD (4.096928ms)
      ✔ OPTIONS (4.635634ms)
      ✔ TRACE (4.071535ms)
    ✔ Request using method (64.83487ms)

    ✔ Request using the URL as the option parameter (8.577185ms)
    ✔ Request using a string body (5.060509ms)
    ✔ Request using a custom header (3.345092ms)
    ✔ Normalizes headers and body (2.763181ms)
    ✔ Can pipe upstream body through the request from a readable stream (6.058912ms)
    ✔ Can pipe downstream response from the request to a writable stream (5.560773ms)

    ▶ Tests that require an altered server response
      ✔ Supports request timeout (106.042009ms)
      ✔ Rejects invalid JSON response accurately (4.167691ms)
      ✔ Retry on client error (214.183201ms)
      ✔ Retry on client timeout (311.841398ms)
      ✔ Retry on invalid response body format (208.378113ms)

      ▶ Retry on response status
        ✔ Retry on status: 503 - should succeed after re-attempts (209.880754ms)
        ✔ Retry on status: 503 - should reject after to few re-attempts (108.7312ms)
        ✔ Retry on status: 500 - should reject on first attempt (4.106091ms)

        ▶ Retry on error response status
          ✔ Should succeed after re-attempts (212.3066ms)
          ✔ Should succeed after re-attempts when "doNotThrowOnErrorStatus" (8.122609ms)
        ✔ Retry on error response status (222.080598ms)
      ✔ Retry on response status (547.205892ms)
    ✔ Tests that require an altered server response (1392.469482ms)
  ✔ HTTP 1.1 (1489.71029ms)

  ▶ HTTP 2.0
    ▶ Request using method
      ✔ POST (24.172115ms)
      ✔ PUT (4.569734ms)
      ✔ PATCH (5.478934ms)
      ✔ GET (3.347633ms)
      ✔ DELETE (4.18065ms)
      ✔ HEAD (2.557823ms)
      ✔ OPTIONS (3.031275ms)
      ✔ TRACE (4.541577ms)
    ✔ Request using method (52.666782ms)

    ✔ Request using the URL as the option parameter (3.139841ms)
    ✔ Request using a string body (3.152696ms)
    ✔ Request using a custom header (2.364444ms)
    ✔ Normalizes headers and body (3.156592ms)
    ✔ Can pipe upstream body through the request from a readable stream (4.870264ms)
    ✔ Can pipe downstream response from the request to a writable stream (2.96681ms)

    ▶ Tests that require an altered server response
      ✔ Retry on connection error (212.816865ms)
      ✔ Supports request timeout (108.664584ms)
    ✔ Tests that require an altered server response (322.005974ms)
  ✔ HTTP 2.0 (394.95823ms)
✔ @superhero/http-request (1885.245212ms)

tests 42
suites 7
pass 42

file            | line % | branch % | funcs % | uncovered lines
index.js        |  94.05 |    91.74 |   92.86 | 496-505 533-535 671-677 702-705 735-755
index.test.js   | 100.00 |    97.67 |  100.00 | 
all files       |  96.57 |    94.36 |   97.17 | 


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvements or additional features.