
Provides generic migration support in meyer via Knex.



  1. Docker 17.05 or newer (brew cask install docker)
  2. Node 10 LTS (optionally using n-install, run n 10)
  3. Yarn 1.12+ (curl -o- -L | bash)


To setup a local development environment, run docker-compose up -d. This will start the required components for you to get up and running.

You can tear down this environment at any time by running docker-compose down --volumes --remove-orphans. You may also need to run this command if your database gets in a weird state (e.g. app fails to boot).

To suspend resource usage but not completely destroy the environment, just run docker-compose down.



  1. First, make sure your dependencies are up to date by running yarn install --check-files.
  2. Next, ensure you refreshed your environment by running docker-compose up -d.
    • you should see something like (meyer-dbms-knex_db_* is up-to-date)
  3. Finally, run yarn test --watch in the root of the repository. Knock out some features!