
markdown parser implemented in Golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Mark is a markdown parser implemented in Go. It's fast and support extension such as Table,fence code,etc.It is safe for utf-8 input.

The parser idea comes from chjj/marked. But it isn't as complete as chjj/marked


Mark is compatible with go1.4.2 (I don't know whether compatible with go version under 1.4.2)

With go and git installed

Install pcre

sudo apt-get install libpcre++-dev // In Ubuntu
brew install pcre				   // In Mac OS X

Get markdown parser

go get github.com/superhx/mark



Basic usage, read a bytes then parse it to Markdown , render Markdown and output

//marker parse the input and return a Markdown object
//writer io.Writer
//render markdown to html and output to writer(without style sheet,see markdown_test to pretty)
writer := mark.NewHTMLWriter(mark)

The Markdown is like a tree (dom tree)

If you want to operate the Markdown instead of only simple output it. It is all free for you to modify the Markdown tree as you want. The markdown.go contain all struct in Markdown tree.

###Markdown Grammar Support