Hi there


Hi,This is ✨ Md Jahidul Islam Milon✨, I am Mobile(React Native) and Web(Node Js, React Js, Next Js) Developer - available for remote work.

📫 How to reach me

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⚡ I’m currently working on

  1. Web Development(full stack)

    TypeScript JavaScript React Next Nodejs api graphql HTML5 CSS3 Tailwind Bootstrap

  2. Mobile Development

    Android ios RN

  3. Database & ORM

    MongoDB MySQL Firebase Prisma 2 Sequelize Mongoose JS

  4. Cloud

    DigitalOcean Amazon EC2 Oracle Cloud Heroku CPanel

  5. Version Control

    Git GitHub GitLab BitBucket

😄 Few Projects

Ecom MessManger Fuddiz Brick Factory ERP

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