
Tutorial for NoF 2022: "Building Network Digital Twins for Next-Generation WLANs using Graph Neural Networks"

Primary LanguagePython


Tutorial for NoF 2022: "Building Network Digital Twins (NDTs) for Next-Generation WLANs using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)"

Local installation

This tutorial will be based on PyTorch Geometric for building the NDT - GNN which depends on PyTorch. Additionally, we will build the NDT - ML using tensorflow and scikit-learn. Moreover, jupyter is needed to be able to run the notebooks. Therefore, we recommend that you install a virtual environment to avoid issues among dependencies. For example, to build this tutorial, we used a virtual environment created with conda using the following commands. Please, follow the steps in the order described here.

conda create -n gnn-tutorial -c conda-forge scikit-learn

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

conda install tensorflow

conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 -c pytorch

conda install pyg -c pyg

conda activate gnn-tutorial

Notice that, at the time of writing this tutorial, the Conda packages of PyTorch Geometric are not published for PyTorch 1.12 yet, thus, we need to install PyTorch 1.11 instead of PyTorch 1.12 (the latest release at that time). You can also use pyenv to build your virtual environment.

Google Colab

This tutorial can also run in Google Colab. There are two main notebooks, one for building the NDT - GNN and another to build the NDT - ML.

To access the notebook regarding the NDT - ML, please enter here.

To access the notebook regarding the NDT - GNN, please enter here.


The official dataset is located in Zenodo. The final version contains the throughput, which is the main variable to be predicted. You can download it and have it in your disk. However, to facilitate the development of the tutorial, the dataset is already preprocessed and can be downloaded from the url we provide. This is done automatically inside the notebooks when you create the data using

Data = NDTDataset(root)


dataset_train = NDTDataset(root, split='train')

To obtain this processed dataset, we downloaded the original files, extract each .zip and then use the script in auxiliaries/parse_original_dataset.py to process the dataset.

The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  1. Download the original files and place them into a folder (e.g., data).
  2. Extract the .zip files.
  3. Run the auxiliaries/parse_original_dataset.py file in that folder with
python auxiliaries/parse_original_dataset.py [ARGS]

--dir full path where the data from zenodo is located.

Additionally, we provided a fixed split (80% training and 20% validation), so we can carry the evaluation using the same data every time we run the model.

The feature matrix for each model is built in a different way. Therefore, we provided two different scripts to automate this process, namely dataset_ml.py and dataset_gnn.py.


We only provide two notebooks, one for building an NDT using traditional AI/ML and another for GNNs. Please, follow the instructions of each notebook for a correct execution.