
A ray-tracing 3d renderer in C/C++ and SDL.

Primary LanguageC++


by SuperJer

Usage: [OPTION]... [SEED]
Render ray-traced 3D images generated randomly with seed number SEED.

  option default description
  -wNUM      800 Set image output width to NUM
  -hNUM      600 Set image output height to NUM
  -mNUM        2 Set multisampling level to NUM (level 2 recommended)
  -tNUM        8 Parallelize with NUM threads
  -pNUM        0 Simulate lighting with NUM million photons!

Build on Linux:
1. Make sure you have SDL-devel on your system
2. Run `make`
   - this will create the executable `pixelmachine`

Build on Windows:
1. Install MinGW <http://www.mingw.org/>
   - make sure it comes with MinGW Make
2. Get SDL-devel for MinGW <http://www.libsdl.org/>
   - copy the lib and include files into MinGW
3. Run `mingw32-make win`
   - this will create the executable `pixelmachine.exe`

Build on Mac: