
A Script that configures all the Google Cloud Permissions and deploys your golang application to Google Cloud Run

Primary LanguageShell

Deploy Go to Google Cloud Run

Idempotent scripts (They won't create duplicate resources if ran again) that will deploy your dockerized golang application to Google Cloud Run instantaneously with a single command gen.bash.

It will also bring down all the resources when you don't need them del.bash. (This won't delete the local files)

It installs CLIs in your machine and bootstraps a Pulumi code that you will be able to leverage all the required services and have your application running. (See How it Works)

How to use:

  1. Clone the repository (or download the .zip file in the releases page)
  2. Configure the config.json with your information (At least: project_name, dockerfile_relative_path, pulumi_relative_path)
  3. Run the gen.bash script.
bash gen.bash
  1. Navigate to the recently created pulumi (cd ./pulumi) folder, and:
pulumi up

When you want to bring everything down:

bash del.bash

How it works:

This repo has all the files you need to get your dockerized application deployed.

Clone the repo somewhere in your project. Configure the dockerfile_relative_path on the config.json. This should point to your Dockerfile relative to the gen.bash.

You should unzip them somewhere in your project (e.g. /deploy).

The scripts will:

  1. Install the required CLI tools (gcloud, expect, docker, jq, pulumi, golang)
  2. Configure the required permissions in GCloud
  3. Scaffold the right Pulumi scripts for you

We check whether each of these are installed on your system and install them if not. This will install the following CLI tools:

  1. Docker
  2. Pulumi CLI
  3. Go
  4. Google CLI
  5. jq
  6. Expect

The Google SDK is used to enable the first services. Pulumi is then used to orchestrate the entire process. jq is used to parse the JSON output from the Google SDK. Expect is used to handle certain edge cases from the Pulumi and Google Cloud CLIs.


Open config.json and edit its values.

  • project_name The name of the project. This is the display value that you will see in Google Cloud's console.

  • project_description The description of the project.

  • project_stack: The stack in which Pulumi will be configured. Either dev, staging, production, prod, etc.

  • project_language: Currently supporting go, you should leave it as it is.

  • gcp_project_id: The Google Cloud's unique Project ID which the CLI will create the project.

  • gcp_service_account_name The service accounts are used by Pulumi to perform operations in Google Cloud. This is the name that will show up in IAM. The name should be unique, lowercase, have no spaces and no special characters (except hyphens).

  • gcp_service_account_display_name The service accounts are used by Pulumi to perform operations in Google Cloud. This is the name that will show up in IAM. The name should be unique, lowercase, have no spaces and no special characters (except hyphens).

  • gcp_service_account_display_name Same as above. But this will be the human readable name.

  • gcp_service_account_description The description of the service account.

  • gcp_pulumi_service_account_key_path The file path in which we'll save the the key for Pulumi to connect to Google Cloud.

  • gcp_pulumi_admin_role_name This is the Google Cloud Role that we will assign to the service account. This role will have the necessary permissions to deploy to Google Cloud with the services you've selected.

  • gcp_docker_image_name This is the name that will be visible in Google Cloud Run's Artifact Registry. This isn't the name of your local Docker image. This is part of the Pulumi code.

  • gcp_artifact_registry_service_name This is the name of the Artifact Registry service that will be created in Google Cloud. This is part of the Pulumi code. Artifact Registry is used to store the Docker image.

  • gcp_artifact_registry_repository_name This is the name of the Artifact Registry repository that will be created in Google Cloud. This is part of the Pulumi code. We need to store the Docker image in a repository inside Artifact Registry.

  • gcp_cloud_run_admin_service_name This is the name of the Cloud Run service that will be created in Google Cloud. This is part of the Pulumi code. This service will be used to manage the Cloud Run services.

  • gcp_cloud_run_service_name This is the name of the Cloud Run service that will be created in Google Cloud. This is part of the Pulumi code. This service will be used to deploy the Docker image to Google Cloud Run.

  • gcp_location This is the location where the resources will be deployed. You can find a list here. This is part of the Pulumi code