
This repository is designed to record personal notes for reading papers.

Individual Paper Notes


This repository is established to record individual notes for reading papers.

Involving Field: AI System, Distributed Training, Cluster Schduling, Workload Trace Analysis, Inference, AI Compilation, Memory Storage, etc.

  1. Cluster Scheduling:
    • AntMan: Dynamic Scaling on GPU Clusters for Deep Learning (OSDI20)
    • ElasticFlow: An Elastic Serverless Training Platform for Distributed Deep Learning (ASPLOS23)
    • Gandiva: Introspective Cluster Scheduling for Deep Learning (OSDI18)
    • (Gavel) Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads (OSDI20)
    • Hare: Exploiting Inter-job and Intra-job Parallelism of Distributed Machine Learning on Heterogeneous GPUs (HPDC22)
    • HiveD: Sharing a GPU Cluster for Deep Learning with Guarantees (OSDI20)
    • Liquid: Intelligent Resource Estimation and Network-Efficient Scheduling for Deep Learning Jobs on Distributed GPU Clusters (TPDS22)
    • Lucid: A Non-intrusive, Scalable and Interpretable Scheduler for Deep Learning Training Jobs (ASPLOS23)
    • Lyra: Elastic Scheduling for Deep Learning Clusters (EuroSys23)
    • Optimus: An Efficient Dynamic Resource Scheduler for Deep Learning Clusters (EuroSys18)
    • Pollux: Co-adaptive Cluster Scheduling for Goodput-Optimized Deep Learning (OSDI21)
    • Sia: Heterogeneity-aware, goodput-optimized ML-cluster scheduling (SOSP23)
    • SiloD: A Co-design of Caching and Scheduling for Deep Learning Clusters (EuroSys23)
    • (Synergy) Looking Beyond GPUs for DNN Scheduling on Multi-Tenant Clusters (OSDI22)
    • Tiresias: A GPU Cluster Manager for Distributed Deep Learning (NSDI19)
  2. Hybrid Parallelism:
    • Alpa: Automating Inter- and Intra-Operator Parallelism for Distributed Deep Learning (OSDI22)
    • Megatron-LM: Training Multi-Billion Parameter Language Models Using Model Parallelism (arxiv20)
    • Oobleck: Resilient Distributed Training of Large Models Using Pipeline Templates (SOSP23)
    • TUTEL: Adaptive Mixture-of-Experts at Scale (arxiv22)
  3. Data Parallelism:
    • (BytePS) A Unified Architecture for Accelerating Distributed DNN Training in Heterogeneous GPU/CPU Clusters (OSDI20)
    • Horovod: fast and easy distributed deep learning in TensorFlow (arxiv20)
    • Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server (OSDI14)
  4. Tensor Parallelism:
    • GSPMD: General and Scalable Parallelization for ML Computation Graphs (arxiv21)
    • (Tofu) Supporting Very Large Models using Automatic Dataflow Graph Partitioning (EuroSys19)
  5. Pipeline:
    • DAPPLE: A Pipelined Data Parallel Approach for Training Large Models (PPoPP21)
    • GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism (NIPS19)
    • PipeDream: Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training (SOSP19)
  6. Graph Optimization:
    • (OptCNN) Exploring Hidden Dimensions in Parallelizing Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML18)
    • TASO: Optimizing Deep Learning Computation with Automatic Generation of Graph Substitutions (SOSP19)
    • Unity: Accelerating DNN Training Through Joint Optimization of Algebraic Transformations and Parallelization (OSDI22)
    • Whale: Efficient Giant Model Training over Heterogeneous GPUs (ATC22)
  7. Memory/Cache Storage:
    • Bagpipe: Accelerating Deep Recommendation Model Training (SOSP23)
    • Gemini: Fast Failure Recovery in Distributed Training with In-Memory Checkpoints (SOSP23)
    • UGache: A Unified GPU Cache for Embedding-based Deep Learning (SOSP23)
    • ZeRO: Memory Optimizations Toward Training Trillion Parameter Models (arxiv20)
  8. AI Compilation:
    • Operator Fusion in XLA: Analysis and Evaluation (arxiv23)
  9. Training Hyperparameters:
    • (DistBelief) Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks (x)
    • Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour (arxiv18)
  10. Communication:
    • Optimus-CC: Efficient Large NLP Model Training with 3D Parallelism Aware Communication Compression (ASPLOS23)
    • Overlap Communication with Dependent Computation via Decomposition in Large Deep Learning Models (ASPLOS23)
    • TOPOOPT: Co-optimizing Network Topology and Parallelization Strategy for Distributed Training Jobs (NSDI23)
  11. Training:
    • Egeria: Efficient DNN Training with Knowledge-Guided Layer Freezing (EuroSys23)
  12. Inference:
    • FlexGen: High-Throughput Generative Inference of Large Language Models with a Single GPU (ICML23)
    • Nexus: A GPU Cluster Engine for Accelerating DNN-Based Video Analysis (SOSP19)
    • ORCA: A Distributed Serving System for Transformer-Based Generative Models (OSDI22)
    • Paella: Low-latency Model Serving with Software-defined GPU Scheduling (SOSP23)
    • Tabi: An Efficient Multi-Level Inference System for Large Language Models (EuroSys23)
    • (vLLM) Efficient Memory Management for Large Language Model Serving with PagedAttention (SOSP23)
  13. Cluster Trace Analysis:
    • (Helios) Characterization and Prediction of Deep Learning Workloads in Large-Scale GPU Datacenters (SC21)
    • (PAI) MLaaS in the Wild: Workload Analysis and Scheduling in Large-Scale Heterogeneous GPU Clusters (NSDI22)
    • (Philly) Analysis of Large-Scale Multi-Tenant GPU Clusters for DNN Training Workloads (ATC19)
  14. Serverless:
    • AQUATOPE: QoS-and-Uncertainty-Aware Resource Management for Multi-stage Serverless Workflows (ASPLOS23)
  15. HPC:
    • (ESLURM) Towards Scalable Resource Management for Supercomputers (SC22)
  16. Performance Modeling:
    • Daydream: Accurately Estimating the Efficacy of Optimizations for DNN Training (ATC20)
    • DistSim: A performance model of large-scale hybrid distributed DNN training (CF23)
    • dPRO: A Generic Performance Diagnosis and Optimization Toolkit for Expediting Distributed DNN Training (MLSys22)
    • FasterMoE: Modeling and Optimizing Training of Large-Scale Dynamic Pre-Trained Models (PPoPP22)
    • Habitat: A Runtime-Based Computational Performance Predictor for Deep Neural Network Training (ATC21)
    • MAD Max Beyond Single-Node: Enabling Large Machine Learning Model Acceleration on Distributed Systems (arxiv23)
    • Machine Learning-enabled Performance Model for DNN Applications and AI Accelerator (HPCC22)
    • (MPE) Fast Performance Prediction for Efficient Distributed DNN Training (x)