Pinned issues
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[SuperEditor] - Exceptions when deleting all content with a non-deletable node at start or end of the document
#2393 opened by miguelcmedeiros - 6
[SuperEditor] - Add empty paragraph at the end of document when tapping on the empty area below it
#2395 opened by miguelcmedeiros - 0
[SuperEditor] - Superlist re-focus selection bug
#2386 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
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[Question] Super editor how to parse a makdown string into Document?
#2390 opened by MonolithFoundation - 0
[SuperTextField][SuperText] - SuperTextField golden failing after recent caret sizing fix
#2343 opened by matthew-carroll - 1
Copy missing images from main to stable
#2358 opened by matthew-carroll - 3
[BUG] [MacOS + Web] - CMD+Left/Right arrow does not move selection correctly
#2304 opened by brian-superlist - 3
[FEATURE] - Allow to configure block node to not be selectable and/or deletable
#2334 opened by miguelcmedeiros - 0
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[SuperEditor][SuperReader] - Can't call `WidgetTester.tap()` on a `SuperReader` due to slivers
#2376 opened by matthew-carroll - 1
[SuperEditor] - moving caret with up and down arrows generates a SelectionChangeEvent of type collapsedSelection
#2367 opened by JostSchenck - 4
[SuperEditor] - Exception when removing action tags slash character within some text
#2373 opened by alterhuman - 0
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[BUG] - plugin componentBuilders aren't incorporated into SuperEditor's componentBuilders
#2365 opened by JostSchenck - 1
Scroll to a specific node on button click
#2371 opened by alterhuman - 0
[SuperEditor][SuperReader] - Add queries for attributions and attributed spans at the document level
#2363 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
[SuperEditor] - Composer preferences needs to change its notifier behavior to match Editable expectations
#2362 opened by matthew-carroll - 1
[iOS] - Portuguese (Portugal) compound character entry creates extra character.
#2361 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
[SuperEditor] - Create a `clearDocumentRequest`
#2360 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
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[BUG] - Super Reader cannot display TaskNode
#2354 opened by VeryLobster - 0
[SuperEditor][SuperReader][Quill] - Make it easier to apply indentations during deserialization
#2351 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
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[SuperEditor][SuperReader] - Move all components to accept view models instead of properties
#2349 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
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[SuperEditor][SuperReader][SuperTextField] - Reports wrong focal point to floating toolbar when double tapping to select word
#2345 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
[SuperEditor][SuperReader][SuperTextField] - Initial magnifier location is wrong on initial press
#2344 opened by matthew-carroll - 3
[FEATURE] - Binary selection for block nodes
#2335 opened by miguelcmedeiros - 2
[BUG] - Web site is not working
#2311 opened by ramakrishna-veli - 1
[BUG] - TypeError: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'DocumentLayout' in type cast
#2317 opened by quaaantumdev - 0
[BUG] - web demo is down
#2329 opened by makoConstruct - 1
[BUG] - quickstart link is broken
#2330 opened by makoConstruct - 1
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[SuperEditor][SuperReader][SuperTextLayout] - Sometimes there's a mismatch of intrinsic text height when empty vs non-empty
#2337 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
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[SuperTextField][SuperEditor] - Don't conflict with saved scroll offsets in page storage
#2316 opened by matthew-carroll - 2
[BUG] - [SuperEditor/SuperTextField] Caret heigh changes when inserting a space at the end of the text
#2323 opened by miguelcmedeiros - 2
[BUG] - In SuperEditor it's not straightforward to theme caret/handles on mobile according to brightness
#2302 opened by miguelcmedeiros - 1
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[SuperEditor][SuperReader][SuperText][AttributedText] - Leading and trailing space around desired text fragments
#2315 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
[BUG] - type 'DragStartDetails' is not a subtype of type 'DragUpdateDetails' in type cast
#2312 opened by quaaantumdev - 0
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[Quill] - Accept custom embed block formats
#2305 opened by matthew-carroll - 0
[FEATURE] - Inline comments
#2301 opened by FelixMittermeier - 0
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[Image Insertion] - how to documents are required
#2294 opened by ihsanKisi - 0
[FEATURE] - iFrame Embeds
#2291 opened by ihsanKisi