
An ag helper for quickly opening matches in vim

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Tag is a wrapper CLI for ag and rg. It parses the output and creates shell aliases to open vim at the locations of the searches.


Tag is meant to be a transparent wrapper around ag or rg, in order to make this work, you need to add a bit of configuration to your shell to auto-source the aliases after running a search. Here's some example configurations for common shells, replace ag with rg in these examples if you'd prefer.

  • bash - ~/.bashrc
if hash ag 2>/dev/null; then
  tag() { command tag "$@" && source /tmp/tag_aliases_$USER 2>/dev/null; }
  alias ag="tag ag"
  • zsh - ~/.zshrc
if (( $+commands[tag] )); then
  tag() { command tag "$@" && source /tmp/tag_aliases_$USER 2>/dev/null }
  alias ag="tag ag"
  • fish - ~/.config/fish/functions/tag.fish
function tag
  command tag $argv; and source /tmp/tag_aliases_$USER ^/dev/null
  alias ag "tag ag"
  • manual

In order for tag to work, you just need to call it passing the underlying tool to call, currently only ag is supported, and then pass any other arguments you'd like. Then tag will create a file at /tmp/tag_aliases_$USER that you need to source from your shell.


On macOS:

$ brew install keith/formulae/tag

Building manually:

Using stack:

$ stack install --local-bin-path /usr/local/bin


This is inspired by this project, I plan to expand it to work with more tools, such as find.